


更新时间:2024-05-20 12:46:04

  • 1、And what of winespeak, computerdrivel and other jargon?(另外酒类术语、计算机语言以及其他行话中的词汇又该如何算呢?)
  • 2、Readers please refrain from using expressions like "the annointed one. " Such meaninglessdrivel lowers the level of discussion.(读者请不要使用“天选之人”这样的表达。这种无意义的胡扯降低了讨论的水平。)
  • 3、How can you watch thatdrivel on TV?(你怎么能看电视上那种胡说八道的东西?)
  • 4、Above all, we need to find better ways of tapping the wisdom of the jabbering online masses while dispensing with thedrivel.(最重要的是,我们需要找到更好的方式,去发掘在线群众激动含混的智慧,同时摒弃无稽之谈。)
  • 5、The question is whether one should work for a company that spouts cretinousdrivel.(问题的实质是,一个人是否应该为一家滔滔不绝说废话的公司工作。)
  • 6、But often once you buy a book you feel obligated to read it, even if it isdrivel.(但是你可能经常会买回来一本你发现并不喜欢的书。)
  • 7、This is the sort ofdrivel you get from a bunch of feral leftie hippies with no idea of the real world.(这就是一群满脑子幻想的野生左撇子嬉皮士才说的疯话。)
  • 8、To make matters worse, the film has inspired a torrent of managementdrivel.(更糟糕的是,这部电影引发了一场口水仗,矛头直指管理层。)
  • 9、It would be sad to find out that someone was pulling the strings to allow suchdrivel to come out of this puppet's mouth.(让人难过的发现,正有人用线控制着这个傀儡的嘴巴,说出这些不着边际的胡话。)
  • 10、If the rabble continues to be occupied with you, simply stop reading thatdrivel.(如果这群乌合之众继续纠缠你,就别读那些废话。)
  • 11、This is triple-Adrivel.(这是个三A级的胡话。)
  • 12、When they can’t think of anything else, they make up somedrivel like confirming you’re still loyal to them.(如果他们想不出还有什么事情可做,就会说一些语无伦次的傻话来确认你是否仍然效忠于他们。)
  • 13、By Shakespeare's time that had broadened to include dogbolt,drivel, marmoset, skitbrains and shack-rag.(到了莎士比亚时代,又有一些新词出现。其中包括:dogbolt,drivel,marmoset,skitbrains和shack-rag。)
  • 14、No, this is not diplomatic speak, or even more gushingdrivel, but a genuine description.(真的,这可不是什么外交辞令,更非信口开河,而是真切的描述。)
  • 15、Most of us have at least one or two on a constant loop, repeating the same negative -and often untrue -drivel day in and day out.(每天,在一个持续不断的思维循环中,我们大多数人都会重复至少一到两个消极的,经常是不真实的愚蠢想法。)
  • 16、Often she talksdrivel.(她经常说傻话、胡话。)
  • 17、This isdrivel.(这真是胡扯。)
  • 18、My Wall Street clients thought it was a cinch to bang out a few pages ofdrivel, and therefore paid accordingly.(我的华尔街客户认为这只是将几个网页挂上去,所以按此付了点钱。)
  • 19、Thee most usual sort ofdrivel is intermittent, comes from someone distant, usually in HR, and is routinely ignored by all.(最常见的那种废话是间歇性出现的,来自远处的某个人(通常在人力资源部门),而且通常被所有人忽略。)
  • 20、That's not even counting retweeting aplusk's latestdrivel or updating your music blog about the band nobody CARES about.(还没有算上retweetingaplusk的最新糊涂话和更新博客里无人知晓的乐队音乐。)


英 [ˈdrɪvl] 美 [ˈdrɪvəl] 

名词: driveler 过去式: driveled/drivelled 过去分词: driveled/drivelled 现在分词: driveling/drivelling 第三人称单数: drivels/drivels


