


更新时间:2024-06-17 12:09:30

  • 1、Gartner’s Debra Logan wroteelegantly about this topic inspired by Jared Diamond’s Guns, Germs and Steel.(从贾德*戴蒙的《枪炮,病菌与钢铁》得到启发,Gartner公司的德布拉*洛根精彩地地撰写了这个具有创造力的话题。)
  • 2、Jimmy and his partner driftedelegantly around the room.(吉米和舞伴在房间里翩翩起舞。)
  • 3、She was dressedelegantly in a black-and-white checked top, wool riding pants and high-heeled pumps.(冯姐穿着优雅的黑白格套头毛衣,羊毛马裤和一双高跟舞鞋。)
  • 4、But she willelegantly escape her fate as a desperate housewife by becoming a serial bride.(她永远不会成为家庭主妇,而是一直在做新娘。)
  • 5、Most figures areelegantly displayed in glass cubes in a low-lit room, the idea being to dignify them.(大多数展品放在玻璃瓶里,形象优美地展示着,房间里的灯光被特地调暗,突出展品的高雅气质。)
  • 6、She turned on herelegantly shod heel.(她突然转身,迈开穿着雅致的皮鞋的双脚离去了。)
  • 7、She writeselegantly and economically.(她写作典雅而简练。)
  • 8、He wastes few gestures; as we speak, his hands remainelegantly folded on his desk.(他几乎不做多余的手势,我们的对话过程中他的手优雅地叠放在桌上。)
  • 9、The software Gapminderelegantly displays four dynamic variables at once.(Gapminder软件立即优美地表现了其四个动态变量。)
  • 10、Across town, rival Kohler Co. of Wisconsin displays itselegantly designed bowls in a recently renovated showroom.(在另一家店里,竞争对手Wisconsin的Kohlerco.在最近的一个装修陈列室中展示了他优美的设置。)
  • 11、Tall andelegantly dressed, she ends her call and points to the corner of the room.(她个子很高,穿着优雅,挂断电话后指着这个房间的一个角落。)
  • 12、We'll use the algorithm described in the section on parallel algorithms to solve this problemelegantly.(我们将使用在并行算法一节中介绍的算法来很好地解决这个问题。)
  • 13、This enabled me to avoid code duplication moreelegantly than I could have with a procedural language.(这使得我可以避免代码重复,从而比使用过程语言更为优雅。)
  • 14、This year, I'll bring anelegantly simple board game that will have us spinning yarns about abstract pictures.(今年,我要带上一个简单精致的棋盘游戏,和大家一起对抽象图片扯扯淡。)
  • 15、He waselegantly dressed in a grey suit, blue shirt, and paisley tie.(他优雅地穿着一件灰色西服,蓝衬衣,系着佩斯利涡旋花纹领带。)
  • 16、Next, we are going to show you how to make it workelegantly, instead.(接下来,我们将会向您展示怎样让工作变得更加完美。)
  • 17、One begins to hunger for some other views, even if lesselegantly and sympathetically expressed.(即使温和地表示了同情,其中一方开始寻求其他观点。)
  • 18、By using EXSLT, you canelegantly solve all the problems I've described except for the last one.(除了最后一个问题之外,使用EXSLT可以很好地解决其他所有问题。)
  • 19、Anelegantly carved and polished huge ring of white marble with pink veins elicits a smile.(一个有粉红色纹理的,精雕细磨的巨大白色大理石环能引起会心微笑。)
  • 20、No one could have formulated his theory any moreelegantly-or anguished more over its implications.(没有人能更好地阐明他的理论——或者因不能很好地表达其含义而使读者苦恼。)
  • 21、Find a weird word in a reputable dictionary and use itelegantly in a comment below.(在权威字典中找一个怪异的词,并在下面的评论中优雅的使用它。)
  • 22、Anelegantly designed user interface can put a gadget head and shoulders above its peers.(一款精心设计的用户界面可以令该装置在领先基础上更添体面。)
  • 23、Together, they perform this serviceelegantly and efficiently with few lines of code.(两者用很少几行代码优雅而高效地执行这一服务。)
  • 24、String theoryelegantly reconciles the otherwise competing rules of quantum mechanics and general relativity.(弦论非常优美地使量子力学与广义相对论中相互矛盾的理论一致起来。)
  • 25、These are fine examples of re-skinning a Web site easily andelegantly.(这些都是轻松优雅地重新设计Web站点皮肤的很好的例子。)
  • 26、Mr Jobs, who died this week aged 56, spent his life packaging that magic intoelegantly designed, easy-to-use products.(乔布斯先生于本周去世,享年56岁。他一生都致力于将其魔法包裹进设计优雅、易于使用的产品中。)
  • 27、And sure enough, to trim anelegantly told tale, the murdered man was the woman's son.(果然,让这一优美故事更为动人的,被杀者正是女人的儿子。)


英 ['elɪɡəntlɪ] 美 [ˈɛləɡəntlɪ] 

