


更新时间:2024-06-17 12:09:39

  • 1、It's like juggling three or four balls at the one time and most women seem to do iteffortlessly.(这就像同时抛接三个或四个球,而大多数女性似乎毫不费力就能做到。)
  • 2、As you are moving towards your goals, you are alsoeffortlessly becoming more attractive to men.(你不仅在朝着自己的目标前进,而也变得越来越有魅力。)
  • 3、Her son Peter adaptedeffortlessly to his new surroundings.(她的儿子彼得不费力地就适应了新环境。)
  • 4、The way they glideeffortlessly across the water.(它们轻松的划过水面的方式!)
  • 5、Heng holds the stageeffortlessly.(亨毫不费力地一直讲话。)
  • 6、There is so much information you can almosteffortlessly find the facts for yourself.(有这么多信息,你几乎能毫不费力地为自己找到实例。)
  • 7、Too thoughtlessly. Tooeffortlessly, without appreciation for all those little things.(太快太匆匆太不经意了,没有欣赏这些小事。)
  • 8、Schumacher adaptedeffortlessly to his new surroundings.(舒马赫毫不费力地适应了他的新环境。)
  • 9、It is the art of conveying a messageeffortlessly which most of the crowd understands and grasps quickly.(这是一门绝大部分人可以很快理解掌握,并轻松地用以传达信息的艺术。)
  • 10、There is no friction; things move aroundeffortlessly; and they do work.(这里没有摩擦力;物体可以毫不费力地移动;而且它们不会出差错。)
  • 11、Close your eyes and breathe easily andeffortlessly.(闭上双眼,轻松自在地呼吸。)
  • 12、Save 9 poundseffortlessly — over 2 years.(二年内,体重减9磅,毫不费力。)
  • 13、Some animals perform this miraculous feateffortlessly.(有些动物毫不费力就能完成这奇迹般的壮举。)
  • 14、And as their temperature rises, calories burneffortlessly.(由于它们的温度升高,就能毫不费力地燃烧掉卡路里。)
  • 15、Imagine that your a runningeffortlessly and very relaxed.(想象你毫不费力的跑步,非常放松。)
  • 16、There are no esoteric formulas or secret states of mind that produce good designseffortlessly.(没有任何奥妙的公式或神秘的心境可毫不费力地提出好的设计方案。)
  • 17、Our only companion is the wandering albatross, which glideseffortlessly and gracefully behind the yacht.(我们惟一的伴侣是那只漂泊信天翁,它轻快优雅地滑翔在游艇后面。)
  • 18、Defensive design lets you deliver great serviceeffortlessly when your customers need it most.(防护性设计在客户最需要的时候让你毫不费力地提供很好的服务。)
  • 19、One who thinks that success will just comeeffortlessly is simply daydreaming.(认为不需努力,成功自然来的人都是在做白日梦。)
  • 20、It could draw on huge amounts of dataeffortlessly. It wouldn't even take breaks to play Farmville.(它可以毫不费力的运用海量数据,而且根本不需要忙里偷闲玩会开心农场来放松大脑。)
  • 21、It suggests that you are pretty loose with the packing, and thus well-travelled andeffortlessly chic.(这说明你的打包是非常随兴的,暗示你旅行经验丰富,是个轻松时尚的可人儿。)
  • 22、The devilish intricacies of economics Mr Godley seemed to overwhelm just aseffortlessly.(戈德利先生对于如魔幻般错综复杂的经济学,应对起来似乎毫不费力。)
  • 23、In a time when we can chateffortlessly by text and im, talk is getting cheaper.(在一个能通过文字和通讯工具交流的时代,相互通话正变得越来越便宜。)
  • 24、There are places where you seem to get into the flow of writingeffortlessly.(有这样一些地方,在那里你好像轻而易举地就进入了写作状态。)
  • 25、The Northern Lights areeffortlessly one of Earth's most visually striking natural spectacles.(北极光是地球上比较容易见到的最壮观的自然现象之一。)
  • 26、John seems to breezeeffortlessly through his many commitments at work.(约翰似乎对他工作中的许多职责应付自如。)
  • 27、The right career "fits"; it may not comeeffortlessly, but it does come naturally.(正确的职业并不一定毫不费力就能获得,但一定会来得自然。)


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