


更新时间:2024-06-17 12:09:15

  • 1、Think about the topics you go onendlessly about.(想想你一直在谈论的话题。)
  • 2、For example, some teens may comb their hairendlessly, change their clothes often, and constantly look in the mirror to see how they look to others.(例如,一些青少年可能没完没了地梳头,经常换衣服,经常照镜子,看看自己在别人眼中是什么样子。)
  • 3、Marbles pouringendlessly onto a marble floor.(弹珠无穷尽地倾泻到大理石地面。)
  • 4、Most of all, though, I wish a tenth of the energy that's spentendlessly debating GM crops was focused on those more pressing challenges for global agriculture.(然而,最重要的是,我希望把花费在无休止争论转基因作物上的十分之一的精力集中到全球农业面临的更紧迫的挑战上。)
  • 5、She braggedendlessly about her high score.(她没完没了地夸耀自己的高分数。)
  • 6、We can't sustain the same outputendlessly without rest.(我们不可能不休息而一直保持相同的产量。)
  • 7、It'sendlessly fascinating.(无尽的迷人。)
  • 8、At this point, some men are probably protesting, "But I don't slut-shame orendlessly analyze."(在这一点上,一些男人也许要抗议了:“但我不会无地自容,也不会没完没了地分析。”)
  • 9、Narcissistic, smothering, she was "endlessly critical" of him.(她对他“无休止地挑剔”,既自恋又令人压抑。)
  • 10、The old granny talkedendlessly, but we listened to her with great patience.(老奶奶叨絮不休,不过我们还是耐心地听着。)
  • 11、You canendlessly debate whether city or country life is better.(关于城市和乡村生活哪个更好人们可以不停的进行辩论。)
  • 12、And even modest changes will beendlessly diluted.(甚至这些微小的变化将来也会被无休止的稀释。)
  • 13、They talk about itendlessly.(他们无休止地谈论这件事情。)
  • 14、That is anendlessly debatable question.(这是个争论永无休止的问题。)
  • 15、I spend money on expensive thingsendlessly; so the expenditure trends up.(我无休止地花钱买昂贵的东西,所以开支趋向上升。)
  • 16、Russia watchers debatedendlessly: Was he a pro-Western reformer?(俄罗斯的观察家们在不停的争论:究竟他是一个亲西方的改革者?)
  • 17、Mr Bellos’s fascination with his subject is itselfendlessly fascinating.(巴洛斯先生对本书的主题深深着迷,这一点本身就有无限魅力。)
  • 18、Some highlights of the film involve Shrek being gross, Fiona being tough, Donkey talkingendlessly, Puss being fat.(影片的几大看点包括野蛮的史莱克、苛刻的菲奥娜、喋喋不休的驴子、发福的靴猫。)
  • 19、It'sendlessly repeatable - the hero fighting the dark, evil hordes.(这个故事是可以无尽地重复的——英雄与黑暗、邪恶势力之间的战斗。)
  • 20、She would balance and temporizeendlessly before reaching a decision.(她在做出决定前会不断地犹豫观望和见风使舵。)
  • 21、We were lying on bed, feelingendlessly grateful to the owner of the house.(我们躺在软软的干草铺上,对小茅屋的主人有说不尽的感激。)
  • 22、I like Google. It's a cuddly company, andendlessly helpful.(我喜欢谷歌。这是个惹人喜爱的公司,而且给人无尽的帮助。)
  • 23、Choose the first and you'll probably recycle yourselfendlessly.(选择第一条道路你将很可能不断地重复自己。)
  • 24、This guidance eliminated the need for customers to circle the parking lotendlessly, and avoided confrontation between those eyeing the same parking space.(这种引导消除了顾客在停车场无尽地兜圈子的必要,而且避免了顾客之间因抢占空车位而引发的冲突。)
  • 25、For days, he could not sleep, and pacedendlessly around the compound.(好几天里,他夜不能寐,围着院子不停踱步。)
  • 26、It seems that all the big cities around the world are stillendlessly expanding.(似乎世界上所有的大城市都在不断地扩张。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 27、I think itsendlessly interesting.(我认为它很有趣。)
  • 28、The tech world hasendlessly debated what went wrong with HP.(技术领域里无休止的争论着惠普到底出了什么毛病。)
  • 29、It is recycledendlessly, as rain, snow or evaporation.(它可以再生,下雨下雪或者挥发。)
  • 30、She talksendlessly about her problems.(她喋喋不休地谈论着自己的问题。)


英 ['endləslɪ] 美 [ˈɛndləslɪ] 

