


更新时间:2024-06-17 12:08:34

  • 1、That seaside hotel chargesexorbitant prices during the summer holidays.(那家海滨旅馆在夏天休假期间漫天要价。)
  • 2、And their parents would rather not have to pay thoseexorbitant fees.(他们的父母就不要支付那些高昂的费用了。)
  • 3、exorbitant institutional costs are one of the important reasons of these problems.(制度成本过高便是这些问题的重要原因之一。)
  • 4、This region seems to respond the prices that seemexorbitant, and seems to predict that you're not going to buy something.(这一区域的活动似乎是认为价格太过离谱,因此预测受试者可能不会作出购买选择。)
  • 5、The workers allege that they paidexorbitant sums to recruiters in India (up to $20, 000), who promised them green cards.(这些工人指控说他们在印度时曾付给招工公司一大笔钱(高达2万美元),后者允诺给他们办理绿卡。)
  • 6、Globalisation is also pushing up the alreadyexorbitant cost of business education.(全球化也在推高商业教育本已过高的成本。)
  • 7、There was a case for seeking some sort of compensation for the huge discounts andexorbitant profits that Mr Khodorkovsky and others had enjoyed.(当年曾有这样一个诉讼,因为霍氏和其它寡头们以前享有极大的折扣和巨额利润,诉讼正是针对于此寻求某种补偿。)
  • 8、exorbitant housing prices have created an acute shortage of affordable housing for the poor.(过高的房价使穷人负担得起的房源严重短缺。)
  • 9、I love you,exorbitant white man?(我爱你,巨大的白人?)
  • 10、Vacation rentals can chargeexorbitant rates per night as rent.(假期出租可以一夜收取非常昂贵的房租。)
  • 11、If Google's latest acquisition was pricey, that one was downrightexorbitant.(如果谷歌最近那次收购价也算高昂的话,那这个就算是天价了。)
  • 12、Lim ai Foon, 43, said theexorbitant pricing was a rip-off.(43岁的林爱芬(音)说,过高的价格无异于敲诈。)
  • 13、The indirect costs of exporting from Africa (18 to 35 percnt of total costs) areexorbitant compared to exporting from China (8 percent of total costs).(同中国的间接出口成本(为总成本的8%)相比,非洲的间接出口成本(为总成本的18-35%)过高。)
  • 14、More generally, some people reckon that new cancer drugs offer small benefits at anexorbitant price.(一般来说,有些人认为,因为新抗癌药的价格过高,导致益处不大。)
  • 15、Absent, too, are theexorbitant prices of conventional sushi restaurants.(这里也没有传统寿司餐厅里高昂的价格。)
  • 16、Theexorbitant tolls, rather than the man's bad behavior, provoked a storm of public reaction.(但真正激起公众强烈反应的是天价过路费,而不是的此人的不法行为。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 17、In the first few months of the siege, food could be purchased, albeit atexorbitant prices.(在包围刚开始的几个月里,虽然价格过高,食物还是买得到的。)
  • 18、We should, however, be aware of theexorbitant prices they have paid for their present glories.(然而我们必须认识到,他们为现在的辉煌所付出的过度代价。)
  • 19、Even though they turn up their noses at Jaguar's expensive cars, they love itsexorbitant ones.(即使他们看到的是Jaguar的昂贵的车型,他们也喜欢其中超豪华的。)
  • 20、Theexorbitant cost of our health-insurance benefits reflects the high dollar amount of medical expenses incurred by our employees.(我们医疗保险福利的高昂费用反映了我们员工的高额医疗费用。)
  • 21、But prices in London areexorbitant.(但是在伦敦的价格确实过高了。)
  • 22、The cost of advertising on TV can beexorbitant, in part because studios must buy time at the last minute.(电视广告的费用过于高昂,部分原因是由于电影公司必须到最后时刻才能购买广告时段。)


英 [ɪgˈzɔ:bɪtənt] 美 [ɪgˈzɔ:rbɪtənt] 

副词: exorbitantly

