


更新时间:2024-06-10 12:20:02

  • 1、Stay in theEuro at any cost.(不惜任何代价留在欧元区。)
  • 2、The drachma disappeared, replaced by theEuro when Greece joined the singleEuropean currency.(自希腊加入欧洲单一货币体系后,旧的希腊货币系统消失了,取而代之的是欧元。)
  • 3、TheEuro fell on the foreign exchanges yesterday.(欧元汇价昨天下跌。)
  • 4、TheEuro remained firm against the dollar, but fell against the yen.(欧元对美元依然坚挺,但对日元的汇率则下跌。)
  • 5、TheEuro is getting stronger against the dollar.(欧元对美元呈强势走向。)
  • 6、Greece's fourth-biggest lender may call a shareholder meeting to seek approval for a 500 million-Euro capital increase.(希腊第四大银行可能会召开股东会议,寻求批准来增加5亿欧元资本。)
  • 7、TheEuro embodies these aims.(欧元是这些目标的体现。)
  • 8、TheEuro has fallen sharply.(欧元已经急剧贬值。)
  • 9、TheEuro hit a record low in trading today.(今天欧元的兑换价降到了历史最低水平。)
  • 10、Millions of words have been written about the introduction of theEuro.(已有上百万的文字论及欧元的引入。)
  • 11、At 15Euro ($22) a tonne the price is high enough to induce power companies to switch some generation from coal to ga.(每吨15欧元(22美元)的价格足够让电力公司从煤发电转向用气发电。)
  • 12、So is theEuro itself in danger?(欧元本身是否处于危险状态?)
  • 13、He goes out to Versailles and creates this noble theme park and sort of aEuro Disney for nobles where he can watch these nobles.(他来到凡尔赛,建造了这个贵族主题公园,类似于欧洲的迪斯尼乐园,在那里他可以看到这些贵族们。)
  • 14、It is sitting at a record low against theEuro and at a 30-year low against the Canadian dollar.(它兑欧元汇率处于历史低点,兑加元汇率也处于30年来的低点。)
  • 15、When theEuro started, the government and just the people didn't want to join.(欧元刚出现的时候,政府和人民都不想加入。)
  • 16、That sent theEuro sharply higher.(这样使欧元飚得更高。)
  • 17、What do you think of Britain's use of its own currency instead of theEuro like other EU members?(英国使用自己的货币,而不是像其他欧盟成员一样使用欧元,你怎么看待这个问题?)
  • 18、So what will happen to theEuro?(那么,欧元将会发生什么事情?)
  • 19、A hundred cents make oneEuro.(一百分币等于一欧元。)
  • 20、Some countries abandon theEuro?(一些国家放弃使用欧元?)
  • 21、Peter the Great expands territory beyond theEuro mountains along the Caspian Sea at the expense of the Turks.(彼得大帝越过欧洲山脉,沿着里海扩张领土,牺牲了土耳其人的利益。)
  • 22、"It is inconceivable that theEuro fails," he said.(“欧元会失败,这是难以置信的。”他说。)
  • 23、Germany thinks theEuro must be saved by stricter rules on borrowing, spending and competitiveness, backed by quasi-automatic sanctions for governments that do not obey.(德国认为,必须通过在借贷、支出和竞争力方面制定更严格的规则来拯救欧元,并对不遵守规则的政府实施准自动制裁。)
  • 24、It is stuck because theEuro zone's dominant powers, France and Germany, agree on the need for greater harmonization within theEuro zone, but disagree about what to harmonize.(它之所以陷入僵局,是因为欧元区的主导力量——法国和德国,都认为有必要在欧元区内部加强协调,但他们在协调哪些方面存在分歧。)
  • 25、A "southern" camp headed by French wants something different: "European economic government" within an inner core ofEuro-zone members.(一个由法国人领导的“南部”阵营想要的是不同的东西:位于欧元区成员核心的“欧洲经济政府”。)


英 [ˈjʊərəʊ] 美 [ˈjʊroʊ] 

名词复数: euros/euro


