


更新时间:2024-06-17 12:08:47

  • 1、The closing of theevergreen factory has prompted finger-pointing in Massachusetts.(常春工厂的关门关闭引发了对麻省的指责。)
  • 2、For many trees—evergreen conifers being an exception—the best strategy is to abandon photosynthesis until the spring.(对于许多树木来说——常绿的针叶树是一个例外——最好的策略是在春天之前放弃光合作用。)
  • 3、Theevergreen trees provide a good background.(常绿的乔木,为照片提供了良好的背景。)
  • 4、He came from a small town where they growevergreen trees and nobody thinks about going to college.(他来自以一个小城,那里树木常青,但没人想上大学。)
  • 5、It was somewhat disguised from the road in passing it by yews andevergreen oaks, but it was visible enough up here.(从路上经过这栋楼房,紫杉和长青的橡树多少把它遮挡住了,但是从山顶上看去却一览无余。)
  • 6、"No one dares do that now," says Lee Shuguang, anevergreen manager.(“现在没人敢那么干了,”恒兴公司的李曙光(音译)经理说。)
  • 7、Plantevergreen shrubs around the end of the month.(大约在月末种植常绿灌木。)
  • 8、Myrtle'severgreen leaves, elegant and beautiful white flowers and their charming fragrance are seen as symbols of beauty and youth.(桃金娘常绿的树叶、优美的白色花朵以及令人愉悦的芳香,正象征着美丽和年轻。)
  • 9、They also hang garlands ofevergreen boughs over the window and wreaths on the doors.(他们还会在窗户上和门上挂常青树枝和花环。)
  • 10、Built in the 13th century, it clings to a sheer rock-face high up above a mountain stream, amongevergreen forests.(苏密拉的修道院建于13世纪,修筑在一条山溪之上的岩面上,四周绿树环抱。)
  • 11、Another popularevergreen plant is mistletoe.(另一种受欢迎的常青植物叫槲寄生。)
  • 12、The traditional colors ofChristmas are pine green (evergreen), snow white, and heart red.(圣诞节最传统的装饰颜色是青色、雪白和大红。)
  • 13、There areevergreen games, briefly fashionable sensations and flops.(有长盛不衰的游戏,也有一时时髦轰动又惨遭失败的游戏。)
  • 14、Safou is anevergreen tree found in the humid tropical forests of Africa, as far south as Angola, and as far north as Nigeria.(萨福(Safou)是一种常绿树,在非洲潮湿的热带森林中发现,南至安哥拉,北至尼日利亚。)
  • 15、Many of these plants areevergreen, so you can enjoy them all year round.(这些植物中有许多都是四季常青的,所以可以全年观赏。)
  • 16、We Chinese people regard them as a symbol ofevergreen love.(我们把这种印视为永恒爱情的象征。)
  • 17、Whereas the region's nativeevergreen pines shade the snow and absorb radiation, birches would shed their leaves in winter, thus enabling radiation to be reflected by the snow.(然而那个地区当地的常绿松树可以为雪遮阴,吸收辐射,而白桦树在冬天则会落叶,从而使辐射被雪反射。)
  • 18、Anevergreen tree in the Capitol's rotunda.(——州议会大厦圆形大厅里的一棵常青树。)
  • 19、She has won two Academy Awards, one in 1976 as the composer of the Best Original Song,evergreen.(她曾两次获得奥斯卡金像奖,一次是1976年《常青树》的最佳原著音乐奖。)
  • 20、Standing tall and erect before me in neat array was a forest ofevergreen pines and firs.(树是那样高,笔直,而又整齐的特别可爱!因为是松树和杉树的原故,所以四时都是绿油油的。)
  • 21、Cloves are the rich, brown, dried, unopened flower buds of syzygium aromaticum, anevergreen tree in the myrtle family.(丁香是常青树上的棕色未开花的花蕾,气味清香,营养丰富,桃金娘科植物的一种。)
  • 22、Fronting water and with a hill at the back, this garden had a dense growth ofevergreen trees and formed a "retreat away from the world".(这花园依山傍水,四面苍松翠柏,绿树成荫,仿佛是世外桃源。)
  • 23、The mangrove forests areevergreen.(红树林是常青树。)
  • 24、On a cold and rainy December morning, eight workers bustle inside theevergreen Co-operative Laundry.(12月一个下着冷雨的早晨,8名工人在常青合作洗衣厂里忙碌着。)
  • 25、Top-selling toys come along infrequently, so all toy companies need anevergreen product.(大发行量玩具并不常见,因此所有的玩具公司都需要有自己的长青产品。)
  • 26、Guangdongevergreen has made agreements with farmers to buy their harvest-ready tilapia for processing.(广东恒兴已和农户达成协议,购买他们手中可以捕捞的罗非鱼并进行加工。)
  • 27、The field is white and the wooded edges dark withevergreen.(野地上银白一片,远处围绕着暗绿色的常绿树木。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 28、The dusts-removing abilities of four types ofevergreen trees are ranked as: spruce, needle juniper, Sabina chinensis, and pitch pine.(四种常绿乔木的除尘能力等级排列为:云杉,针刺杜松,圆柏和柏油松。)


英 [ˈevəgri:n] 美 [ˈevərgri:n] 



