
the North Pole

the North Pole造句

更新时间:2024-05-27 12:28:49

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的the North Pole的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了27条the North Pole的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了the North Pole的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、The doctor couldn't help but retorted, "Ibis is notthe North Pole."(医生忍不住反驳说:“我们这里并不是北极嘛。”)
  • 2、The northern lights are often visible here because it is so close tothe North Pole.(由于此地离北极如此之近,北极光在这里常常出现。)
  • 3、One of you asked this question. “Does a magnetic compass point tothe North Pole?”(前段时间有观众向我们提问:“罗盘的指针真的指向北极吗?”)
  • 4、the North Pole has no land, only thick ice.(北极没有陆地,只有厚厚的冰层。)
  • 5、Since boyhood, Shirase had dreamed of becoming a polar explorer like Amundsen, and he initially set his sights onthe North Pole.(从孩提时代起,Shirase就梦想成为像阿蒙森一样的极地探险家,而他最初的目标是去北极。)
  • 6、There is nothing scientifically significant aboutthe North Pole, Serreze said.(Serreze说,北极并没有科学上的重大意义。)
  • 7、The patient argued, "You can't deny the existence ofthe North Pole."(病人说:“但你不应该否认北极的存在。”)
  • 8、Although conditions were very poor, people tried for many centuries to reachthe North Pole.(尽管条件很差,人们还是花了好几个世纪的时间尝试到达北极。)
  • 9、There're lots of animals inthe North Pole, for example, whale, polar bear, and sea dog, and I like polar bear best.(在北极有很多动物,比如鲸鱼、北极熊、海狗等,而我最喜欢北极熊。)
  • 10、The island is about one thousand kilometers fromthe North Pole.(这个岛离北极大约有一千公里。)
  • 11、The location ofthe North Pole over the years -- it's shifted, but it hasn't caused a disaster.(若干年中北极的位置——它确实在变化,但是并未带来任何灾难。)
  • 12、Hey I read where millionaires go tothe North Pole for a barbecue.(哎我听说百万富翁们跑去北极就为了吃趟烧烤。)
  • 13、Another idea is that the earth will turn upside down.Sothe North Pole will become the South Pole.(另外一个观点认为,地球会上下颠倒,北极会变成南极。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 14、The forth area is the part nearthe North Pole.(第四个油区是靠近北极那部分区域。)
  • 15、Parents intercept kids' letters tothe North Pole, to see what they want.(父母拦截孩子寄去北极的信去看看他们想要什么。)
  • 16、Why doesthe North Pole move?(北极为何会移动?)
  • 17、Helen had a dream to walk tothe North Pole alone when she was forty.(海伦四十岁的时候有一个梦想:要独自走到北极。)
  • 18、GOLDMAN SACHS: "How many penguins would it take to surroundthe North Pole?"(高盛集团:需要多少只企鹅才可以绕北极一圈?)
  • 19、There have been at least thirteen previous attempts to reachthe North Pole unaided.(以前至少有十三次尝试独立到达南极的努力。)
  • 20、I found the distance to our main tent hard enough going, never mind a trek tothe North Pole.(我发现到公共帐篷的一段路已经十分难走,就不用说到北极点的道路了。)
  • 21、the North Pole is warmer than the south and the circulation of air around it is less well contained.(北极比南极温暖,其周围的空气循环更为畅通。)
  • 22、A hunter who took what appeared to be a baby polar bear fromthe North Pole has been found and will face strict punishment.(一个猎人从北极捕获了一只疑似北极熊幼崽的动物,目前已被发现,他将面临严厉的惩罚。)
  • 23、Nunavut is 1.9 million square kilometres of rock and ice, and a handful of islands aroundthe North Pole.(努纳武特地区包括190万平方公里被岩石和冰雪覆盖的陆地,以及北极附近的几个岛屿。)
  • 24、He knew that the sources of the red-stained grains were generally closer tothe North Pole than were the places yielding a high proportion of "clean" grains.(他知道,这些红色颗粒的来源通常更靠近北极,而不是那些产生大量“干净”颗粒的地方。)
  • 25、Whether in summer or in winter,the North Pole is covered with ice and snow.(不管冬天还是夏天,北极都覆盖着冰雪。)
  • 26、The movement of the magnetic poles is unrelated to the location ofthe North Pole, for example.(比如,磁极的移动与北极的地点无关。)
  • 27、He has been studying the bear atthe North Pole for years.(他在北极研究北极熊已有多年。)
the North Pole基本释义