


更新时间:2024-05-27 12:28:07

  • 1、The researchers said the discovery of a second major gene linked torenal cancer was a major advance.(研究者称,发现导致肾癌的第二重要致病基因是一个重大进步。)
  • 2、Flunixin - Which can cause fecal blood, gastrointestinal erosions and ulcers andrenal necrosis.(氟尼辛——可能导致便血、消化道糜烂溃疡和肾衰竭。)
  • 3、They must be monitored in the long term to ensure that theirrenal function will not be impaired.(必须对这些小孩进行长期监控才能确定他们的肾脏功能是否受到损伤。)
  • 4、He had undergone a living relatedrenal transplant 13 years prior to presentation.(介绍他13年前经历了一个与活体有关的肾移植手术。)
  • 5、HUS is characterized by acuterenal failure, haemolytic anaemia and thrombocytopenia.(溶血尿毒综合症的特点是急性肾衰竭、溶血性贫血和血小板减少。)
  • 6、My GP, when I visited the next morning, immediately suspected arenal calculus, more commonly called a kidney stone.(第二天一早我去看医生,他立即就怀疑是肾结石。)
  • 7、Chronic exposure to Cd mainly causes therenal proximal tubule damage, which represents that the excretion of proteinuria, glucosuria and aminoaciduria.(慢性接触镉主要引起肾小管损伤,表现为蛋白尿、糖尿和氨基酸尿。)
  • 8、Hypotension may also contribute torenal failure.(低血压也可以造成肾功能衰竭。)
  • 9、Only the Universal Coverage Scheme did not includerenal-replacement therapy.(只有全民保险制度不包括肾脏替代疗法。)
  • 10、In ACCORD Lipid, fenofibrate also reduced micro - and macro-albuminuria, markers of diabeticrenal disease.(在ACCORD脂质研究基金会,非诺贝特同时降低了微观及宏观尿蛋白量,二者都是胰岛肾病的标志。)
  • 11、Andrenal replacement therapy is expensive.(而且,肾脏替代疗法的费用很高。)
  • 12、In 2005 Boonsumlit became ill again and was diagnosed with end-stagerenal disease.(在2005年,Boonsumlit再次病倒并被诊断为终末期肾病。)
  • 13、The pain, termedrenal colic, was my body straining to expel it.(我感觉到的疼痛,学名叫做肾绞痛,就是我的身体竭力排除结石的反应。)
  • 14、Conclusions: Dengzhanhua Injection is of benefit in lowering blood viscosity and improvingrenal function in senile patients with chronicrenal failure.(结论:灯盏花注射液对老年慢性肾功能衰竭患者具有降低血粘度及改善肾功能的作用。)
  • 15、The study found that moderate drinking decreased the risk of thyroid cancer,renal cell cancer and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.(研究表明适量饮酒能够降低患上甲状腺癌,肾癌和非何杰金淋巴瘤的风险。)
  • 16、The objective is to study the effect of salvia miltiorrhiza on activity of cytochrome C oxidase in acuterenal ischemic reperfusion injury.(目的是为了研究丹参对肾缺血再灌注损伤细胞色素C氧化酶活性的影响。)
  • 17、No invasion of subjacentrenal sinus fat.(病灶没有侵犯邻近肾窦脂肪。)
  • 18、Not to be used in case of acuterenal failure.(为了不被用于急性肾功能衰竭的情况。)
  • 19、In most species, the kidney is both the sensor organ and the major site of erythropoietin production, so chronicrenal failure is associated with anemia.(大多数物种中,肾脏既是促红细胞生成素的感受器官又是产生的主要场所,所以慢性肾功能衰竭会导致贫血。)
  • 20、Myoglobinuria may result inrenal tubular necrosis if untreated.(如果不进行治疗,肌红蛋白尿就可能造成肾小管坏死。)
  • 21、Further, the sudden release of toxins from necrotic muscle into the circulatory system leads to myoglobinuria, which causesrenal failure if untreated.(此外,来自坏死肌肉的毒素突然释放进入循环系统,会造成肌红蛋白尿,如果不予治疗就会引起肾功能衰竭。)
  • 22、He collapsed from acuterenal failure.(他的身体因严重的肾衰竭而垮掉了。)
  • 23、Lower starting doses may be required for patients withrenal or hepatic impairment and elderly patients.(低起始剂量对肾或肝损伤患者及老年患者很有必要。)
  • 24、Of those withrenal failure, 50% need dialysis.(在出现肾功能衰竭的患者中,50%需要透析。)
  • 25、Scientists have discovered a key protein in therenal tubes of these mosquitoes that helps with the necessary excretion.(科学家们在蚊子肾部的导管中发现了一种关键的蛋白,它能帮助蚊子进行必要的排泄。)


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