


更新时间:2024-06-17 11:38:25

  • 1、ButOswald stressed that the research looked at the average person, and could not account for everyone.(不过奥斯瓦德强调研究只是针对普通大众,不见得适用于所有人。)
  • 2、Kent describesOswald as a "base foot-ball player"—a game of the gutter that nobles would never dream of playing in King Lear.(在《李尔王》中,肯特将奥斯华德形容为“低劣的足球员”,足球这种粗俗的运动是为上流社会的贵族所不齿的。)
  • 3、Oswald was one of the first economists in the country to research what he labels “emotional prosperity”.(Oswald是英国首批研究被他称为“情感繁荣”的经济学家之一。)
  • 4、That, at least, is the conclusion of Matthew Rablen and AndrewOswald of the University of Warwick, in England.(上述结论,至少是英国沃里克大学马太·拉伯伦与安德鲁·奥斯瓦尔德得出的结论。)
  • 5、MrOswald says the problem is that the lags are long, with few effects seen for at least 12 months.(Oswald先生认为问题的关键在于影响发生间隔的时间长,至少在12个月内不会有什么明显影响。)
  • 6、And ifOswald did act alone, who gave him the orders?(如果奥斯瓦尔德真的是单独行动,那么是受谁的指使?)
  • 7、"What our study shows, rather remarkably, is that is it also true of the extremely depressed,"Oswald noted.(奥斯韦德教授认为这项研究成果的贡献在于确认了即使是重度抑郁的人也不会停止攀比。)
  • 8、The storyline allows the Magic Kingdom to revive Walt Disney's first cartoon star created in 1927,Oswald the Lucky Rabbit.(故事情节让神奇王国回溯到华特·迪士尼在1927年创作的第一个卡通明星——幸运兔奥斯瓦尔德。)
  • 9、As Walt's first character,Oswald still had special significance for one of the world's most powerful brands.(奥斯瓦尔德是沃特创作的第一个卡通形象,在当今的大品牌中,他仍占有非常重要的地位。)
  • 10、This is a famous picture of Lee HarveyOswald who was being assassinated by Jack Ruby.(这是李·哈维·奥斯瓦尔德被杰克·鲁比暗杀的著名照片。)
  • 11、AsOswald suggested, it is "hard to make society happier as they get richer and richer because human beings look constantly over their shoulders."(正如奥斯瓦尔德所说:“社会越富裕,就很难让它变得更幸福,因为人们总是回望过去。”)
  • 12、UBS chiefOswald Grubel has resigned as head of UBS.(瑞银首席执行官郭儒博已经为此辞职。)
  • 13、In "Empty Socks",Oswald dresses up as Santa Clause and celebrates Christmas with a group of orphans.(在《空袜子》中,奥斯瓦德打扮成圣诞老人的模样,和一群孤儿一起庆祝圣诞节。)
  • 14、David Blanchflower, professor of economics at Dartmouth College, and MrOswald looked at the figures for 72 countries.(达特茅斯大学的经济学教授大卫·布兰·法罗以及奥斯瓦德先生研究了72个国家的数据。)
  • 15、Mailer's research and his shrewd eye lead him to believe... thatOswald did kill Kennedy and that... he acted alone.(梅勒经过研究,加上敏锐的观察,认为奥斯瓦尔德的确是杀害肯尼迪的凶手,而且凶手只有他一人。)
  • 16、Pilot projects, including one by another Swiss architect, FranzOswald, are in the offing.(试点项目正在酝酿当中,这其中包括瑞士建筑学家,弗兰兹。)
  • 17、“It showed that despite expectations, there is no sign of rising happiness as you get richer through the decades” saysOswald.(Oswald说:“研究证明,并非如我们所料,在这几十年中,没有迹象显示经济上变得富裕会提升人们的幸福感。”)
  • 18、Police questionedOswald for two days.(警方审讯了奥斯瓦德两天。)
  • 19、Who grieves for Lee HarveyOswald buried in a cheap grave under the nameOswald?(谁会对埋在廉价墓地里,奥斯华这个名字下的李·哈维·奥斯华感到悲伤?)
  • 20、Oswald makes the Cartoon Wasteland comfortable for other retired characters as they join him in this magical land.(奥斯瓦尔德让其他来到卡通荒原的退休卡通人物感到很舒适,他们加入到这片神奇的土地里。)
  • 21、A decade ago AndrewOswald of the University of Warwick in Britain argued that excessive home-ownership kills jobs.(十年前,英国华威大学教授安德鲁。奥斯瓦德曾经提出:房产所有权过高,工作受阻。)
  • 22、He concluded thatOswald was somewhat abnormal.(他断定奥斯瓦德有点不正常。)


英 [ˈɔzwəld] 美 [ˈɑzˌwɔld] 

