


更新时间:2024-05-27 12:27:37

  • 1、During theobservance, memorial services are held for the departed and time is made to clean familial grave sites.(依照惯例,人们会给亡者举行追思会,并腾出时间修整亲人的坟墓。)
  • 2、County governments should use their powers to ensure strictobservance of laws.(县政府应该利用他们的权力确保法律的严格遵守。)
  • 3、The theme of this year'sobservance spotlights the vital role of local languages in advancing science.(今年纪念活动的主题突出了地方语言在促进科学进步方面的关键作用。)
  • 4、The feast was more of a traditional English harvest festival than a true "Thanksgiving"observance.(这次节日的盛宴不仅仅是一个“感恩”仪式,它更像英国传统的丰收庆典。)
  • 5、But the first labor Dayobservance was in New York City in 1882. It was intended as a celebration of the strength and spirit of labor and trade.(最先庆祝劳工节的地方是纽约,时间是1882年9月5日,当时是为了庆祝各界劳工的力量与精神。)
  • 6、The first Mother's Dayobservance was a church service honoring Anna's mother.(第一个母亲节庆祝表彰是在一个教堂为安娜母亲举办的。)
  • 7、The trading day is shortened inobservance of the Labour Day holiday.(交易日为了庆祝劳动节而缩短。)
  • 8、Today’s ceremony marks the 26th annual World Food Dayobservance by FAO and by hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.(今天的庆祝仪式是粮农组织和全世界千百万人每年共同庆祝的第26个世界粮食日。)
  • 9、Speaking out is the theme of this year'sobservance.(大声疾呼是今年纪念活动的主题。)
  • 10、This year'sobservance of World No tobacco Day focuses on "Gender and tobacco, with an emphasis on marketing to women".(今年世界无烟日活动的主题是“两性与烟草——关注针对女性的促销行为”。)
  • 11、This year'sobservance of International Literacy Day highlights the central role of literacy in the empowerment of women.(今年的国际扫盲日纪念活动突出展示识字在增强妇女能力方面的中心作用。)
  • 12、Today marks the firstobservance of World Tsunami Awareness Day.(今天是第一次举办世界海啸意识日纪念活动。)
  • 13、The origins of Lent are old and complex, and our currentobservance is actually a combination of practices from different times and places.(大斋节的起源是又古老又复杂的,我们目前的礼仪,实际上是来自不同的时间和地点的一个组合。)
  • 14、The word religion is derived from the Latin noun religio, which denotes both earnestobservance of ritual obligations and an inward spirit of reverence.(宗教一词源自拉丁语宗教名词,它既表示认真遵守仪式义务,又表示内向的崇敬精神。)
  • 15、observance of the law is a matter of principle for us.(遵守法律对于我们是一个原则问题。)
  • 16、observance of God's commandments is, as Levenson puts it, the teleological end of history.(遵守上帝的戒条,是这段历史的目的。)
  • 17、The dark Ones have no suchobservance of them, but they are nevertheless bound by them and they will be answerable for their actions.(黑暗者们并没有这种遵守,但是他们仍然被他们自己所束缚,他们要对他们的行为负责。)
  • 18、She also initiated a Mothers' Peace dayobservance on the second Sunday in June in Boston and held the meeting for a number of years.(她还提出在六月母亲和平的第二个星期天日纪念活动在波士顿举行了数年的会议。)
  • 19、The history of liberty has largely been the history of theobservance of procedural safeguards.(自由的历史在很大程度上是遵守程序保障条款的历史。。)
  • 20、This year'sobservance centers on the relationship between mental health and chronic physical conditions like diabetes and cancer.(今年的主题是关注类似糖尿病和癌症这类慢性物理疾病与心理健康之间的关系。)
  • 21、Other events at FAO headquarters inobservance of World Food Day are.(在粮农组织总部举办的世界粮食日其他庆祝活动包括。)
  • 22、The message of today'sobservance is "Moving from Humiliation and Exclusion to Participation: Ending Poverty in All its Forms".(今天庆祝活动的宣传语是“从污辱和排斥转到参与:消除一切形式贫穷”。)
  • 23、For this year's World Food Dayobservance last week, VOA reporters examined the current causes of hunger.(上周针对今年的世界粮食日纪念,VOA记者们调查了目前引起饥饿的原因。) (hao86.com好工具)


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