


更新时间:2024-05-27 12:26:59

  • 1、Women, as outsiders, "are more likely to thinkindependently or at least see people outside of the economics profession as forming their peer group," he says.(他说,作为局外人,女性“更有可能独立思考,或者至少会把经济学专业以外的人视为同辈。”)
  • 2、Undoubtedly, the drawer of the picture aims at reminding us that we should use technology in a proper way and not be too tech-dependent to solve the simple problemindependently.(毫无疑问,图画的作者旨在提醒我们应该合理使用技术,过度依赖技术就会丧失独立解决问题的能力。)
  • 3、A good teacher should stimulate students to thinkindependently.(一个好老师应该鼓励学生独立思考。)
  • 4、Su is unable to do any of these thingsindependently.(所有这些事情苏都不能够独自去做。)
  • 5、It may have developedindependently, but many scholars believe that the spread of agriculture and iron throughout Africa linked it to the major centers of the Near East and Mediterranean world.(它可能是独立发展起来的,但许多学者认为,农业和铁器在整个非洲的传播将非洲与近东区域和地中海区域的主要城市中心联系了起来。)
  • 6、Today, only three countries have finished spacewalksindependently.(今天,只有三个国家独立完成了太空行走。)
  • 7、The report could not beindependently confirmed.(但该报告真实性无法得到证实。)
  • 8、Ceiling and wall lights can operateindependently.(天花板和墙上的灯能够独立操控。)
  • 9、Instead of helping them from the very beginning, parents should leave their children to thinkindependently about how to deal with the problems they encounter.(父母应该让孩子独立思考如何解决他们遇到的问题,而不是从一开始就帮助他们。)
  • 10、In fact, the cause of the failure was found by Chinese scientistsindependently.(事实上,失败的原因是由中国科学家独立发现的。)
  • 11、Their allele frequencies at numerous genetic loci gradually become more and more different as new allelesindependently arise by mutation in each population.(随着新等位基因在每个群体中独立突变产生,它们在许多遗传位点上的等位基因频率逐渐变得越来越不同。)
  • 12、Camping out enables children to solve problemsindependently.(露营让孩子们具备独立解决问题的能力。)
  • 13、Now, I'd like to know whether you've ever workedindependently.(现在,我想知道你是否曾经独立工作过。)
  • 14、Each decision can be madeindependently.(每个决定都可以单独做出。)
  • 15、The advantage of using sub models is that they can existindependently of the main model.(使用子模型的优势在于它可以独立地存在主模型。)
  • 16、It was the first time that she had livedindependently.(那是她第一次独立生活。)
  • 17、The two departments workindependently of each other.(这两个部门独立运作。)
  • 18、The device appears to have evolved no later than the fifth century B.C., perhapsindependently in different regions of the Middle and the Far East.(这种设备在公元前15世纪就可能独立地出现在中东和远东的一些地区了。)
  • 19、Now I want to start doing tutoring workindependently.(现在我想开始独立做辅导工作。)
  • 20、Generally, young women have had growing success in the paid labor market since 1960 and hence might increasingly be expected to be able to afford to liveindependently of their parents.(一般来说,自1960年以来,年轻女性在有偿劳动市场上取得了越来越大的成功,因此,她们越来越有可能有能力不依靠父母生活。)
  • 21、You can also filter the graph and tableindependently.(您也可以分别过滤图表和表格。)
  • 22、By comparing the DNA of carnivorous plants with other species, scientists have found that they evolvedindependently on at least six separate occasions.(通过比较食肉植物和其他物种的DNA,科学家发现它们至少在6个不同的时期独立进化。)
  • 23、It taught him how to thinkindependently and abstractly about space and time, and it wasn't long before he became a philosopher himself.(它教会了他如何独立、抽象地思考空间和时间,没过多久,他自己也成为了一名哲学家。)
  • 24、Four authorsindependently neologized.(四位作者独立创造新语。)
  • 25、Being in transition to adulthood requires teenagers to think and make choicesindependently, so they might sometimes feel lost.(青少年处在向成年阶段转型的过渡期,这一阶段需要他们进行独立思考并独立做出选择,因此他们有时候会感到迷茫。)
  • 26、We have two motors, one on each rear wheel, so the control system has to control each motorindependently.(我们有两个电机,每个后轮一个,因此控制系统必须独立控制每个电机。)
  • 27、The experiment needs to be replicatedindependently in other salamander species.(这项实验需要在其他种类的蝾螈身上进行独立的复制。)
  • 28、It is still unclear whether domesticated cattle were tamedindependently in northern Africa or introduced to the continent from southwest Asia.(目前还不清楚驯化的牛是在北非独立驯化的,还是从西南亚引入非洲大陆的。)
  • 29、Each cell in the grid can be controlledindependently.(网格中的每个单元都可以单独控制。)


英 [ˌɪndɪ'pendəntlɪ] 美 [ˌɪndɪˈpɛndəntlɪ] 

