
love affair

love affair造句

更新时间:2024-05-27 12:27:15

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的love affair的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了25条love affair的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了love affair的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、You never take notes in alove affair.(你花前月下时从不做笔记。)
  • 2、She began a torridlove affair with a theatrical designer.(她与一位舞台设计师开始了一段激情的风流韵事。)
  • 3、One half of participants had dreamt of having alove affair with a celebrity.(半数受访者曾梦到过与名人谈恋爱。)
  • 4、In recent decades, our "love affair" with the car is being exported directly to the developing world, and it is increasingly apparent that this transfer is leading to disaster.(近几十年来,我们对汽车的“热爱”正直接输出到各发展中国家,而且越来越明显的是,这种转移将会导致灾难。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 5、But British media reported Saturday that thelove affair was over.(但上周六英国媒体报道,这对情侣已分手。)
  • 6、Yet the impoverished Nigerian harbors alove affair with the distant superpower.(在穷困的尼日利亚海湾和遥远的世界强国之间,这是一件多么美好的事情。)
  • 7、The judge is said to have an illicitlove affair with a film star.(据说那个法官与一个电影明星私通。)
  • 8、White is Not Right: Having alove affair with white bread, white potatoes and white rice?(白色的食物并不一定是好的:喜欢吃白面包,土豆和米饭吗?)
  • 9、Newcastle'slove affair with coal is almost as old as British settlement of Australia.(纽卡斯尔与煤炭的亲密关系,几乎与英国殖民澳大利亚的历史一样悠久。)
  • 10、So does everybody. For me, thelove affair starts with the profound lyrics.(每个人都一样,对我来说,恋爱随着深奥的抒情诗开始。)
  • 11、In Moscow, Lyudmila was hounded for herlove affair with someone from the enemy camp.(在莫斯科,柳德米拉因同敌对阵营的人员有段“风流韵事”而受人骚扰不断。)
  • 12、What's driving this extraordinarylove affair with English study in China?(是什么让中国人对英语学习如此痴迷呢?)
  • 13、He denied his father's rumouredlove affair.(他否认谣传的他父亲的风流韵事。)
  • 14、The trianglelove affair only brings forth pain.(三角恋情只会带来痛苦。)
  • 15、It is normal to have alove affair at this age.(在这样的年龄谈恋爱很正常。)
  • 16、Yet this was not a simplelove affair between two people.(而这却不是一个简单的只存在于两人之间的恋爱关系。)
  • 17、Herlove affair with vehicles never waned.(她对车的喜爱从未褐色。)
  • 18、With the end of mylove affair, I lost all the self-confidence I once had.(随着恋情的结束,我失去了所有曾经拥有的自信。)
  • 19、Theirlove affair was played out against the backdrop of war.(他们在战争的背景下发生恋情。)
  • 20、For some, at least, it could be the start of a life-longlove affair.(至少对于某些孩子来说,这可能是毕生爱好的开端。)
  • 21、You can find women who have never had alove affair, but seldom women who had only one.(你可以找到从未恋爱过的女人,但很少有只恋爱过一次的女人。)
  • 22、Farrell'slove affair took root in childhood.(法雷尔对蝴蝶的热爱从童年就扎下了根。)
  • 23、You thought they would get along pretty well, a greatlove affair!(你以为它们会相处得很好,多好的一对啊。)
  • 24、The more we talked, the more I realized that anotherlove affair had bitten the dust.(我们聊得越多,我越意识到再来一段感情那就是自取其辱。)
  • 25、A perfect ending for alove affair that had lasted nearly 60 years.(这个持续了60年的爱情故事终于有了圆满的结局。)
love affair基本释义

love affair

英 [lʌv əˈfɛə] 美 [lʌv əˈfɛr] 

第三人称复数:love affairs

名词风流韵事; 恋爱关系; 强烈爱好
