


更新时间:2024-06-17 11:36:35

  • 1、Add fish strips, several at a time, anddeep-fry until golden (less than a minute). Drain on paper toweling and serve at once.(放入鱼条炸至金黄,不到一分钟即可。用厨房纸巾吸干油,趁热食用。)
  • 2、Fill wok with oil till temperature around80 C. Put the roll into the paste then into the wok todeep-fry one by one.(锅内倒油,烧五至六成热时,将海鲜卷逐个蘸酥糊后入锅炸。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 3、deep-fry soybeans, shallots and ginger until fragrant. Set aside.(黄豆、干葱头及姜用油炸香,备用。)
  • 4、Can you fry that fish? Deep fry.(你能炸那条鱼吗?炸透。)
  • 5、Using for vegetable and fruit Salad,deep-fry foods or daub breadcrumbs.(蔬菜沙拉,水果沙拉,油炸食品,面包涂抹。)
  • 6、Behind them were thedeep-fry vats and several harried high-school kids who slaved their summers away in the heat and steam.(他们背后是用来炸东西的大桶以及几个受苦受难的高中生,他们的暑假就这样淹没在了滚滚热浪和蒸汽之中。)
  • 7、We boil and mash them and cover them in butter, or we cut them into strips,deep-fry them and cover them with salt.(我们将它们煮熟、捣碎、淋上黄油,或是把它们切成条、油炸、撒上盐。)
  • 8、If you must deep fry, be sure to drain the food on kitchen paper, turning it a few times to drain off as much oil as possible.(如果你一定要油炸,一定要把食物放在厨房的纸上,翻动几次尽量把油吸干。)
  • 9、In wok or skillet, heat oil over high heat until heat haze appears on surface.deep-fry beans until tender-crisp and slightly wrinkled, about 5-8 minutes.(旺火烧热油锅直到看见表面有热烟时,放入四季豆炸至表皮起皱状,大约5-8分钟。)
  • 10、So if you don’t have any bamboo extract on hand, you still have a couple of ways to safeguard your health: Either don’tdeep-fry your wings, or don’t batter them.(所以,如果你手头上没有竹叶萃取物,你还有有一些其他方法来保卫你的健康:不要吃炸的很久的鸡翅,或者不要抹上酱汁来油炸。)
  • 11、Using a thermostat controlled fryer is a great way to prevent deep fry pans fires.(采用恒温控制,是一个伟大的办法,以避免油炸油炸锅大火。)
  • 12、Recipes vary from region to region, but the basic method is to let bean curd ferment in a special brine thendeep-fry it.(臭豆腐的配方根据不同地区而异,但是基本的做法是让豆腐在一个特制的卤水里发酵,然后将其油炸。)
  • 13、If you must deep fry then be sure to drain the food on kitchen paper, turning it a few times to drain off as much oil as possible.(如果你一定要深度油炸,请在食物专用的吸油纸上把食物过多的油吸掉,并在纸上翻转食物,尽量把油吸干。)
  • 14、Heat up a skillet with enough salad oil anddeep-fry the taro chunk until golden, about 3 minutes. Drain and set aside.(热锅放适量沙拉油,放入芋头油炸至金黄色,约3分钟,捞起滤油备用。)


英 [ˈdi:pˈfraɪ] 美 [ˈdipˈfraɪ] 

过去式: deep-fried 过去分词: deep-fried 现在分词: deep-frying 第三人称单数: deep-fries

