


更新时间:2024-05-27 01:28:04

  • 1、Depending on the species, play may be primarily for social interaction, exercise, orexploration.(根据物种的不同,游戏可能主要是为了社交、锻炼或探索。)
  • 2、Here is a living history, which looks beyond what we already know aboutexploration: a larger history in which we come to recognise the contribution of everyone involved.(这是一段活生生的历史,它超越了我们已知的探索:一段更大的历史,在这段历史中,我们开始认识到每个参与者的贡献。)
  • 3、In addition to their remarkable scope and range, these collections contain a striking visual record ofexploration: the impulse to collect the world is reflected in a large and diverse image archive.(除了范围极其广泛之外,这些收藏还包含了惊人的探索视觉记录:这个庞大多样的图像档案反映了要把世界收藏起来的冲动。)
  • 4、The development of "cloud computing", meanwhile, has made thatexploration so much the easier.(与此同时,“云计算”的发展使这种探索变得更加容易。)
  • 5、Your friend is about to go on the spaceship, which is going to do theexploration of Jupiter or whatever.(你的朋友即将要登上一搜宇宙飞船,要去探索木星还是什么。)
  • 6、China has earmarked more than $20 billion for oilexploration.(中国已留出二百多亿美元用于石油勘探。)
  • 7、A life of continuousexploration is a life worth living.(不断探索的人生才是有价值的人生。)
  • 8、Join a small group hike tour for an evening ofexploration in the heart of Washington.(加入小型徒步旅行团,用一个晚上去探索华盛顿的中心。)
  • 9、But some animals, after this period ofexploration, exhibit behaviors that show they know they are looking at themselves.(但在探索阶段过后,某些动物的行为表明它们知道它们看见的是自己。)
  • 10、Moon Express's mission involves plans to land a suitcase-sized package of scientific equipment on the moon for ongoingexploration and commercial development.(月球快递的任务包括,计划将一个手提箱大小的科学设备包降落在月球上,用于正在进行的探索和商业开发。)
  • 11、At Space Camp, trainees can earn their Spaceexploration badge as they try simulated flying to space with the crew from all over the world.(在太空营,学员可以尝试与来自世界各地的宇航员一起模拟飞往太空,以此获得“太空探索”徽章。)
  • 12、Could it be that science, which has long played a minor role inexploration, is at last destined to take a leading role?(长期以来在探索过程中一直扮演着次要角色的科学将最终发挥主要作用,是这样吗?)
  • 13、Come on, let us go out into the wide world forexploration!(来吧,让我们到广阔的世界里去探索吧!)
  • 14、My teacher organized a unit on spaceexploration that really sparked my interest.(我的老师编排了一个关于太空探测的单元,它真正激发了我的兴趣。)
  • 15、A big program of oilexploration has begun offshore.(一个大规模的石油勘探计划正在近海展开。)
  • 16、Water ice could enable the creation of a self-sustaining moon base someday, a mining camp perhaps, or a departure point for further spaceexploration.(某天水冻冰块可能会创造一个自给自足的月球基地,也可能是采矿营地,或者是更远的太空探索的起点。)
  • 17、It all began in 1977 with theexploration of hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor.(一切始于1977年的一次海底上深海热泉的探索。)
  • 18、Join a small group bike tour for an evening ofexploration in the heart of Washington DC.(参加一个小型的团体自行车之旅,探索华盛顿特区的核心地带。)
  • 19、Oryx is a Dallas-based oil and gasexploration and production concern.(奥瑞克斯公司是一家以达拉斯为基地的石油和天然气勘探及生产公司。)
  • 20、At Space Camp, trainees can earn their Spaceexploration badge as they build and fire model rockets.(在太空营,学员可以制作和发射火箭模型,以此获得太空探索徽章。)
  • 21、Spaceexploration has always been the province of dreamers: The human imagination readily soars where human ingenuity struggles to follow.(太空探索一直是梦想家的工作领域:人类的想象力迅速提升,人类的聪明才智在其后努力追随着。)
  • 22、Underwaterexploration is so much cheaper than space flight.(水下探索比太空飞行便宜多了。)
  • 23、This is anexploration grant.(这是一笔勘探的拨款。)
  • 24、In 2004, anexploration robot discovered jarosite.(2004年,一个探索机器人发现了黄钾铁矾。)
  • 25、His path was unique, but innovation experts say the pattern ofexploration is not unusual.(他成功的途径是独一无二的,但创新专家表示,这种探索模式并不罕见。)


英 [ˌekspləˈreɪʃn] 美 [ˌɛkspləˈreʃən] 

形容词: exploratory

