


更新时间:2024-05-27 01:30:37

  • 1、He tossed back his head in ahowl of berserk laughter.(他摇晃着头一阵狂笑。)
  • 2、With his popularity languishing near an all-time low, he may gain nothing from sticking firmly to his plans despite thehowl of protests.(在他的支持率持续走低的时候,他如果不顾抗议者的怒吼坚持自己的计划,也许什么好处也捞不到。)
  • 3、When Ginsberg first readhowl, he was on stage, and there was a little bathroom.(当金斯伯格第一次读《嚎叫》时,他正在舞台上,那里有一个小浴室。)
  • 4、Have you ever heard a Wolfhowl?(你曾经听到狼嚎叫吗?)
  • 5、Pass ye over to Tarshish;howl, ye inhabitants of the isle.(推罗人哪,你们当过到他施去。沿海的居民哪,你们都当哀号。)
  • 6、That long, lugubrioushowl rose on the night air again!(夜空中又响起了那凄厉的长嚎!)
  • 7、At first the kitten might scratch at the bars, push at the ceiling, dig at the floor,howl, etc.(起初小猫可能会抓栏杆,推顶棚,挖底板,吼叫等等。)
  • 8、They wander about for food andhowl if not satisfied.(他们必走来走去,寻找食物。若不得饱,就终夜在外。)
  • 9、She began tohowl when he walked out of the door.(他一走出门,她就号啕大哭起来。)
  • 10、The boy sat down by her, and likewise began tohowl loudly.(男仆在她身边坐下,也开始大声嚎叫起来。)
  • 11、Who keeps company with the Wolf will learn tohowl.(与狼相结交,就会学狼嚎。)
  • 12、Her readings on things make mehowl.(她的朗读东西的时候让我狂笑。)
  • 13、They listened to thehowl of the wind through the trees.(他们听着风在林间呼啸的声音。)
  • 14、Traditionalists mayhowl, but in today's world, cultural relativism rules.(传统主义者们也许会叫嚣反对,但在当今世界,文化相对论确实占统治地位。)
  • 15、She began tohowl quite horribly, but Gretel ran away and the godless witch was miserably burnt to death.(她开始可怕地嚎叫起来,但格莱特跑开了,那个不信神的女巫被悲惨地烧死了。)
  • 16、The butcher let out ahowl.(屠夫痛得发出了嚎叫声。)
  • 17、Thehowl is a clear warning to neighboring wolves to stay away.(嚎叫声是让相邻的狼离开的警告。)
  • 18、He sprang up with ahowl.(他嚎叫着跳了起来。)
  • 19、Presently a dog set up a long, lugubrioushowl just outside—within ten feet of them.(不一会儿,就在外面,离他们不到十英尺的地方,响起了一声又长又凄惨的狗叫声。)
  • 20、Wherever they landed, they left their painful mark and the boys could only run away andhowl.(无论它们踢在谁身上,都会留下痛苦的伤痕,男孩们只能嚎叫着逃跑。)
  • 21、I made it all right until I heard a timber wolfhowl.(我一切都做对了,直到我听到了一声大灰狼嚎。)
  • 22、Why do wolveshowl?(狼为什么嚎叫?)
  • 23、The dog let out a savagehowl and, wheeling round, flew at him.(狗发出凶猛的嗥叫声,转过身向他猛扑过来。)
  • 24、With ahowl of rage, he grabbed the neck of a broken bottle and advanced.(他一声怒号,抓起一个破瓶子的瓶颈向前走去。)
  • 25、Animals are also affected, particularly before earthquakes, snakes have been observed to come out of hibernation, rats to flee from their burrows, dogshowl and cats jump about unaccountably.(动物也会受到影响,特别是在地震之前,人们观察到蛇会从冬眠中醒来,老鼠会从洞穴中逃走,狗会狂吠,猫会莫名其妙地跳来跳去。)
  • 26、Banshees wail and weep, but they neverhowl.(女妖会哀号哭泣,但她们从不嚎叫。)
  • 27、Ahowl arose that would rend almost any heart.(响起了一声撕心裂肺的嚎叫。)


英 [haʊl] 美 [haʊl] 

过去式: howled 过去分词: howled 现在分词: howling 第三人称单数: howls


