


更新时间:2025-03-09 23:39:02

  • 1、But across society, the abstraction of the idea of cash makes meuneasy.(但在整个社会,对现金概念的抽象让我感到不安。) (好工具
  • 2、Along the way, he felt veryuneasy.(一路上他感到很不安。)
  • 3、Anuneasy calm has settled over Los Angeles.(一种暂时的平静笼罩了洛杉矶。)
  • 4、Old farmhouses and new villas stood together inuneasy proximity.(破旧的农舍与崭新的别墅比肩而立,很不协调。)
  • 5、"He didn't stay with us," said Mrs. Harper, beginning to lookuneasy.(“他没跟我们住在一起过。”哈帕夫人说,神色有些不安。)
  • 6、There was a short period ofuneasy calm after the riot.(动乱之后是令人不安的短暂平静。)
  • 7、At length she becameuneasy, and wakened the boy, and asked, "Do you know where my husband is?"(最后她变得不安起来,把孩子叫醒,问道:“你知道我丈夫在哪儿吗?”)
  • 8、He was beginning to feel distinctlyuneasy about their visit.(他对他们的造访明显地感到不安起来。)
  • 9、No doubt, but I have anuneasy feeling at times that she looks upon the children as puppies.(毫无疑问,但有时我有一种不安的感觉,她把孩子们看作小狗。)
  • 10、Something in the way the lady spoke made Andreauneasy. Andrea secretly studied the half-covered face, the shapeless body, the arms with their thick black hairs…(这位女士说话的方式使安德烈不安。安德烈偷偷地打量着那半张被遮住的脸,那走样的身体,还有那长着浓密的黑色毛发的手臂……)
  • 11、He said nothing but gave me a sly grin that made me feel terriblyuneasy.(他什么也没说,只朝我狡黠地咧嘴一笑,令我感到极为不安。)
  • 12、As always, I feltuneasy as I walked down the corridor to his room, fully aware that he might sleep well through my visit.(跟往常一样,我沿着走廊走到他的房间时还是感到忐忑不安,因为我完全知道,他很可能在我访问期间一直在睡觉。)
  • 13、She feltuneasy about leaving the children with them.(把孩子托付给他们,她心里七上八下的。)
  • 14、The fighting of recent days has given way to anuneasy truce between the two sides.(最近几天的交战已结束,双方好不容易达成了休战协议。)
  • 15、Richard wasuneasy about how best to approach his elderly mother.(理查德对如何最好地向年迈的母亲开口没有把握。)
  • 16、Howuneasy I feel today, and at other times I like being with grandmother so much.(我今天觉得很不自在,其它时候我又很喜欢和祖母在一起。)
  • 17、"And I," said the mother, "I feel souneasy, as if a heavy thunderstorm were coming."(“而我,”母亲说,“我感到很不安,好像一场大雷雨就要来了。”)
  • 18、Men might also feeluneasy about dealing with other people's children.(男性也可能会对与他人的孩子打交道感到不安。)
  • 19、uneasy but eager, the whole family waited for the eggs to hatch.(全家都是惴惴不安地又很兴奋地等候“收蚕”。)
  • 20、Mollie gave anuneasy little titter.(莫莉不自在地微微窃笑了一下。)
  • 21、She feltuneasy in the unfamiliar surroundings.(她在陌生的环境中感到局促不安。)
  • 22、In retrospect, it is possible to see theuneasy and ambiguous nature of this relationship.(回顾过去,我们可能会看到这种关系不安和模糊的本质。)
  • 23、She woke from anuneasy sleep to find the house empty.(她睡得不安稳,醒来时发现屋子里空无一人。)
  • 24、She felt a sharp pang and grew disturbed anduneasy at once.(她感到极度悲伤,马上变得不安和不舒服。)
  • 25、The bear and the wolf grewuneasy, and turned back and went into their holes.(熊和狼变得不安起来,转身钻进各自的洞里。)
  • 26、The two sides eventually reached anuneasy compromise.(双方最终达成了暂时的妥协。)
  • 27、He lookeduneasy and refused to answer questions.(他看起来心神不安,并且拒绝回答问题。)
  • 28、His triumph was overshadowed by anuneasy sense of foreboding.(他的成功被一种令人心神不安的不祥之感所笼罩。)
  • 29、They did not answer; and something in their faces made himuneasy.(她们没有回答;她们脸上的表情使他感到不安。)


英 [ʌnˈi:zi] 美 [ʌnˈizi] 

副词: uneasily 比较级: uneasier 最高级: uneasiest 名词: unease

adj.不自在的 心神不安的 不稳定的;不舒服的
