


更新时间:2024-08-28 01:36:04

  • 1、Like Microsoft's Bing, Hunch is supposed to be a "decision engine" that cuts through thedeluge of web data to give answers.(如同微软的Bing一样,Hunch被认为是一个“决定引擎”,它通过去掉泛滥网页数据来给出答案。)
  • 2、But it posed a big challenge to researchers in biology, who had to deal with the ensuingdeluge of data.(但对于处理这样海量数据的科学家们来说同样是一个巨大的挑战。)
  • 3、MGI argues that the datadeluge could create a new wave of productivity growth.(MGI认为,海量数据能够催生新一波的生产力增长。)
  • 4、While developed with SKA in mind, the results are also applicable to other organisations faced with a 'datadeluge'.(虽然一开始为SKA项目开发,但最终的项目成果也可以应用到其他面临“数据洪流”的企业组织。)
  • 5、Thedeluge of selling overwhelmed the ticker tape system that normally gave investors the current prices of their shares.(卖出的洪水淹没了正常状态下提供投资者股票市价的自动收报系统。)
  • 6、After Bashar al-Assad, thedeluge.(巴沙尔之后,洪水滔天。)
  • 7、Bridges and elevated expressways are filling up with fleets of parked cars, to spare them from thedeluge below.(大桥和高速公路上停满了避开地面洪水的车辆。)
  • 8、Fortunately, the tools to deal with this datadeluge are getting better.(幸运的是,处理这股数据洪流的工具正日渐精良。)
  • 9、Rubber boats and a helicopter were used to evacuate people stranded by thedeluge.(消防处出动多部橡皮艇和一部直升机救出被洪水围困市民。)
  • 10、"They gambled that they could keep adding to their risky positions and still sell them out before thedeluge," he wrote.(“他们是一帮赌徒,认为自己可以持续不断地冒险,而且还可以在灾难来临之前全身而退,”他写道。) (好工具
  • 11、That is understandable when drought ordeluge can destroy their crop, but it has the effect of reducing yields.(当旱灾或洪灾可以摧毁庄稼的时候,这是可以理解的,但这么做会降低农业的产量。)
  • 12、Malassane Boungoudou dealt with the suddendeluge by stacking three beds on top of each other and perching her children on top.(为应对这一突如其来的洪水,MalassaneBoungoudou将三张床叠起来,把孩子们放在顶部的床上。)
  • 13、After the 2nddeluge, Aryan was significantly damaged and the infrastructure required a chaotic stage of rebuilding.(第二次洪水后,雅利安损坏得最为严重,基础设施的混乱程度亟需重建。)
  • 14、Across the western world, markets are a-twitter at the forthcomingdeluge of cash from China's sovereign wealth funds.(在整个西方世界,面对即将到来的中国主权财富基金的资金潮,市场都感到兴奋。)
  • 15、The spring thaw caused the river todeluge the region.(春天冰雪融化,使河水泛滥淹没了那地区。)
  • 16、But just as it is machines that are generating most of the datadeluge, so they can also be put to work to deal with it.(但是既然是机器引发了绝大部分的数据洪流,那么机器也可以用来处理这些信息。)
  • 17、In the old paintings of thedeluge there is a mother holding her child thus.(在有些洪水成灾的古代油画中,一个母亲就是这样举着她的孩子的。)
  • 18、But the datadeluge also poses risks.(但是,海量数据也提出了风险。)
  • 19、And the earth be immersed in adeluge of rains.(地土几乎沉没于大雨洪流中。)
  • 20、For today's scientists, that datadeluge represents a conundrum.(对于今天的科学家来说,数据泛滥不能不失为一个难题。)
  • 21、Thedeluge of spare cash has two main sources.(游资泛滥的原因有两点。)
  • 22、It might be looked on more warmly if its members did notdeluge people with invitations to join them.(如果那些会员不是总发邀请函给你的话,他们看起来会更加友好。)
  • 23、Thedeluge killed at least 220 people, inundating most of the country and pouring into some of the ancient temples at Ayutthaya.(洪水在全国大部地区肆虐,淹没了一些位于艾尤塔雅的古寺庙,并至少造成220人死亡。)
  • 24、There was adeluge of requests for interviews and statements.(对接受访谈和发表声明的要求铺天盖地地涌来。)
  • 25、Speedily the race of mean and their possessions, were swept away by thedeluge.(朱庇特唯恐用火烧会危及天宫本身,就决定用洪水淹没地球,转瞬间洪水就把地球上的人和他们的财物席卷而去。)
  • 26、Thedeluge of information is only going to rise.(海量的信息只会越来越多。)


英 [ˈdelju:dʒ] 美 [ˈdɛljudʒ] 

过去式: deluged 过去分词: deluged 现在分词: deluging 第三人称单数: deluges


