- 1、He has urged them to come to anequitable compromise that gives Hughes his proper due.(他已敦促他们达成公平合理的妥协,给休斯应得的权益。)
- 2、equitable distribution of health care is a critical contributor to social cohesion.(公平分配卫生保健服务是促进社会团结的重要因素。)
- 3、Withoutequitable distribution of benefits, national growth can even exacerbate inequities.(如果不能公平分配收益,国民经济增长甚至会加剧不公平程度。)
- 4、Andy said. "and let's beequitable and talk about you."(安迪说,“让我们公平些,谈谈你吧。”)
- 5、Above all, we intend to campaign for the universal adoption of sustainable andequitable lifestyles.(最重要的是,我们打算为可持续和平等生活方式的普及进行宣传。)
- 6、The way rewards are distributed should be transparent so that employees perceive that rewards or outcomes areequitable and equal to the inputs given.(分配奖励的方式应该是透明公开的,这样员工就会认为奖励或者说结果是公平的,并且与付出相等。)
- 7、The "cestui que trust" is the person entitled to anequitable, as opposed to a legal, estate.(“信托资产收益受益人”是有权获得衡平法上的而不是法律上的遗产的人。)
- 8、He also emphasised that any deal must be seen to beequitable.(他还强调任何协议都必须公正。)
- 9、This subsidy to homeownership is neither economically efficient nor particularlyequitable.(其实这项对于房屋拥有者的补贴既不实惠也不特别公平。)
- 10、Mr. Roh's economic planners sought to achieve a moreequitable distribution of wealth.(罗欧先生的经济规划者们努力实现更公平的财富分配。)
- 11、A deal must include anequitable global governance structure.(我们的计划必须包含有一个公平的全球管理架构。)
- 12、The overall theme is "Safe andequitable Communities".(会议总主题是“社区安全和公平”。)
- 13、Does PPM afford improved andequitable access to TB care to all patients?(公私混合是否能使所有患者更好地公平获得结核病医疗?)
- 14、We are again striving forequitable, comprehensive basic health care.(我们再一次努力提供公平、全面的基本卫生保健。)
- 15、Knowing about these problems allows us to design moreequitable strategies.(了解这些问题有助于我们制定更公平的战略。)
- 16、We have to consider specific performance and otherequitable remedies.(我们必须考虑强制履行和其他的一些衡平法的救济。)
- 17、Thirdly, to build up anequitable and reasonable international trade system.(第三,建设公正合理的国际贸易体系。)
- 18、We can achieveequitable coverage.(我们可以实现公平的普及。)
- 19、In none of these areas is spending efficient orequitable.(所有的这三方面的支出都谈不上效率和公平。) haO86.com
- 20、We’re moving forward to moreequitable marriage.(我们正在追寻更加平等的婚姻。)
- 21、Is there anequitable and objective way of handling them?(有无公正而客观的处理办法?)
- 22、But Sadoway isn't alone in trumpeting energy storage as a missing link to a cleaner, more efficient, and moreequitable energy future.(但萨多维并不是唯一一个鼓吹能源储存是通向更清洁、更高效、更公平的能源未来的缺失环节的人。)
- 23、And its growth has failed to make the region moreequitable.(其增长也没有使该地区更加公平。)
- 24、There are other ways to make education moreequitable.(使教育公平化的出路还有许多。)