


更新时间:2024-12-15 23:02:52

  • 1、You can vary theirwidth, speed, and length.(你能改变它们的宽度、速度和长度。)
  • 2、You would have made your phalanx as deep as you could once you had thewidth established.(一旦你确定了方阵的宽度,你就会尽可能地把方阵布置得深一些。)
  • 3、This feeling has to do solely with geography, so something about the height,width, and depth of wherever we are reminds us of somewhere else.(这种感觉只与地理有关,所以我们所处之地的高度、宽度以及深度总会让我们想起某个地方。)
  • 4、Now they may not take up the wholewidth.(现在它们可能没有占去整个宽度。)
  • 5、Check thewidth and height indications.(检测这部分的宽度和高度。)
  • 6、It's a line of negativewidth.(这是一条宽度是负数的道路。)
  • 7、The terrace runs the fullwidth of the house.(露台里铺砌的地面和房子一般宽。)
  • 8、It is five feet inwidth.(它的宽度为5英尺。)
  • 9、The roof of a Japanese temple building can be made to overhang the sides of the structure by fifty per cent or more of the building's overallwidth.(日本寺庙建筑的屋顶可以比建筑的侧面多向外伸出50%以上的宽度。)
  • 10、By varying thewidth of the black lines, or hinges, researchers are able to change how far each hinge folds.(通过改变黑色线条或者铰链的宽度,研究员可以改变每条铰链可以折叠的范围。)
  • 11、In the first section of this function, you set up objects needed to create the report, like thewidth and height of the canvas, as well as padding variables.(在这个函数的第一部分中,您设置了创建报告需要的对象,比如画布的宽度和高度以及填充变量。)
  • 12、What’s the idealwidth of a search box?(搜索框的理想宽度是多少?)
  • 13、You can expand thewidth of the columns in this view, which will allow you to see more of the contents.(您可以在这个视图中展开这个栏目的宽度,这将允许您查看更多的内容。)
  • 14、It is second only to the Mississippi River inwidth.(它的宽度仅次于密西西比河。)
  • 15、In this design, we used a basewidth of 90 pixels.(在这个设计中,我们使用了90像素的基准宽度。)
  • 16、Suppose thewidth of a rectangle is x metres.(设长方形的宽是x米。)
  • 17、Niagara Waterfalls are 670 metres inwidth and fall 56 metres in an awesome sheet of water.(尼亚加拉瀑布宽670米,白色水幕飞流直下56米,令人叹为观止。)
  • 18、Knowing thewidth of Earth's orbit, the parallax shift lets astronomers calculate the distance.(知道了地球轨道的宽度,视差偏移可以让天文学家计算距离。)
  • 19、We propose a second decimation algorithm for widening the range of sweepwidth in the AD9874 based digital receiver.(基于AD9874芯片的数字接收机,我们提出了一种扩展数字接收机谱宽的二次抽取算法。)
  • 20、Standing with feet shoulder-width apart and cradle baby with both arms. Keeping a straight back and repeat deep knee bends.(双脚分开与肩同宽,双臂抱着婴儿。保持背部挺直,重复深膝弯曲。)
  • 21、It's about 10 metres inwidth.(它宽约10米。)
  • 22、Brim: Moderatewidth.(帽沿:中等宽度。)
  • 23、If you don't put a point but just put a number, this specifies thewidth of space that will be used by the number you're inserting there.(如果你不用一个点,而只是放一个数字,这指定了你插入的数字所使用的空间宽度。)
  • 24、The road was reduced to 18 ft inwidth by adding parking bays.(这条路增加了停车区域后,宽度减少为18英尺。)
  • 25、All the pagewidth styles center content.(所有页面宽度样式都将内容居中。)
  • 26、This makes a totalwidth of four slots for a single TriBlade.(这使得一个三刃刀的宽度为四槽宽。)
  • 27、The length,width, and height of a cuboid are 8 cm, 6 cm, and 4 cm, respectively.(一个长方体的长、宽、高分别是8厘米、6厘米、4厘米。)
  • 28、Your hands should be shoulderwidth apart.(你的双掌与肩同宽。)
  • 29、Listing 1 is edited to fit the pagewidth.(清单1进行了编辑,以符合页面的宽度。)
  • 30、Each fold in the skirt should be exactly the samewidth.(裙子每条皱折的宽度应该完全一样。)


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