- 1、We cannotextenuate your crime.(我们不能减轻你的罪。)
- 2、Nothing canextenuate her negligence.(她的玩忽职守是无法掩饰的。)
- 3、Nothing canextenuate his crime.(他的罪责无法减轻。)
- 4、Nothing canextenuate such appalling behaviour.(这种骇人听闻的行径罪无可恕。) (hao86.com好工具)
- 5、Nothing canextenuate his guilt.(他的罪无法减轻。)
- 6、"I haven't finished telling my tale," Fred replied. "What could possibly be so important as toextenuate your hasty departure in the middle of my story?"(“我还没讲完我的故事,”弗雷德回答,“有什么事情如此重要竟成为你们中途匆匆离开的借口呢?”)
- 7、Nothing canextenuate such appalling behavior.(这种骇人听闻的行径罪不可恕。)
- 8、Nothing canextenuate his base conduct.(他的卑鄙行为无可掩饰。)
- 9、And in the design of the additional layer of the noise-damping tower, the light-weight steel framework, the light-weight wall body and the rubber isolating layer are adopted toextenuate the shaking.(在加层设计中,有效地运用了轻钢结构体系、轻质墙体和橡胶垫隔震层来减轻震动的作用。)