- 1、So if you and your colleagues wereacquit you will go right back up and do it again?(所以如果你和你的同僚无罪释放的话,你们还准备再重做一次吗?)
- 2、It turned out they voted toacquit right away, then stayed in the jury room more than an hour longer just to make it look right.(其实是,陪审团的成员们立刻就投了票,要将他无罪释放,但为了做做样子,只好在议事室里呆了一个多小时。)
- 3、That fact decided the judge toacquit him.(那个事实使法官判他无罪。) Hao86.com
- 4、After I read thousands of risksacquit last year of high school in this field have a deep understanding and full of enthusiasm.(本人历经千险排除万难读到高中最后一年,对此领域有了相当深刻的认识和饱满的热情。)
- 5、The legal profession would therefore be well advised to consider the laws on Intellectual Property very judiciously in order toacquit themselves with any degree of authenticity.(法律界将会被很好地建议要非常审慎地考虑有关知识产权的法律以使自己表现得有某种程度的可信性。)
- 6、It was an awkward ceremony at any time to be receiving wedding visits, and a man had need be all grace toacquit himself well through it.(婚礼后接待来客,什么时候都是件尴尬的事情,新郎必须很有雅量才能应付过去。)
- 7、Iacquit Edward of all essential misconduct.(我原谅爱德华的所有根本过错。)
- 8、As a result, the court decided it could neither convict noracquit either the former head of military intelligence or his deputy.(结果,法庭决定对军事情报机构负责人或其副手不予定罪。)
- 9、The judge directed the jury toacquit all the defendants.(专业英语法官指示陪审团裁定所有被告无罪。)
- 10、Toacquit us with your products, please forward catalogue and other relative descriptive literatures.(为使我公司对你们的产品有全面的了解,请寄产品目录等相关说明性文字材料。)
- 11、However, Zenger's attorney, Andrew Hamilton, convinced the jury toacquit Zenger on the grounds that what he had published was true.(但是,曾格的律师,安德鲁·汉密尔顿(AndrewHamilton)说服陪审团定曾格无罪,理由是,曾格所发表的情况属实。)
- 12、They tried to bribe the judge toacquit them.(他们试图贿赂法官判他们无罪。)
- 13、I cannotacquit him of that duty; nor could I think well of the man who should omit an occasion of testifying his respect towards any body connected with the family.(我认为这是他应尽的责任。再说,遇到施主家的亲友,凡是在应该表示尊敬的场合下,总得表示尊敬,否则是不象话的。)
- 14、Police arrested a suspect four years later, but the man's trial ended in a hung jury, split 10-2 toacquit the man.(四年后警方逮捕了一名嫌疑人,但陪审团因意见不一而陷于僵持,有十人认为应该对该嫌犯无罪开释,另有两人意见相左。)
- 15、The main design conception of this study is using the totem of Amis 's cloth and accessory to create arts, in order toacquit different styles.(本研究主要设计概念是以阿美族服饰配件上的图纹,加以创作设计在作品上,以表现出不同的风格。)
- 16、Will the courtacquit him of the crime?(法庭会宣判他无罪释放吗?)
- 17、If I sin, then thou markest me, and thou wilt notacquit me from mine iniquity.(我若犯罪,你就察看我,并不赦免我的罪孽。)
- 18、She is interviewed on the radio butacquit herself rather badly.(她受到电台采访,但表现得很差劲。)
- 19、Indeed, Celtic have shown more than once they are able toacquit themselves very well, just as their fans who always help them a lot.(当然,凯尔特人队已经不止一次展示了他们自己的实力,就像他们的球迷那天,帮助他们很多。)
- 20、You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will notacquit anyone who misuses his name.(11你不得作出不当使用的名称,耶和华你的神,上帝不会无罪人谁误用他的名字。)
- 21、JUDGE to JURY: What possessed you toacquit the defendant? What reason could you have had?(法官对陪审团:“你们怎么搞的宣布被告无罪?究竟是什么原因使得你们这样做?”)
- 22、In order to live, let usacquit, go for it!(为了生活,让我们排除万难,勇往直前!)
- 23、If you don't let me heal this time, I humbly pray: Please have me killed! I am in total despair, pleaseacquit me of the torment, God …(假如此次再不让自己康复那么求求你请杀啦自己吧失望啦放过自己…)
- 24、I take much pleasure in recommending to you Miss Li Nan and am confident that, if appointed, she willacquit herself most creditably.(我非常乐意向你推荐李南小姐。如果贵公司聘用了她,她将表明得极为出色。)