


更新时间:2024-06-24 01:27:42

  • 1、She did not dareaffront him, for she understood the pride of artists.(她不敢冒犯他,因为她了解艺术家非常珍视尊严。)
  • 2、He is expressing a deepaffront.(他表达了一个深刻的蔑视。)
  • 3、What a Westerner considers an honest look in the eye, the Oriental takes as a lack of respect and a personalaffront.(西方人认为是真诚的眼神,而东方人则认为是缺乏尊重和对个人的侮辱。)
  • 4、His speech is anaffront to all decent member of the community.(他的话对社区所有体面的成员是故意的侮辱。)
  • 5、It's anaffront to human dignity to keep someone alive like this.(让一个人如此活着是对人类尊严的一种侮辱。)
  • 6、Should they bearaffront all objection?(就要忍受侮辱?)
  • 7、Life is too short to turn every personalaffront into a battle.(人生苦短,别太过于计较个人恩怨。)
  • 8、Keep your shirt on. He didn't beggarly toaffront you. That's just the way he allocutions.(保持冷静。那只是他谈话的惯常方法,他并非有意要触犯你。)
  • 9、Lack of sanitation is a serious health risk and anaffront to human dignity.(卫生条件的缺乏不仅是一种严重的卫生风险,也是一种对人类尊严的损害。)
  • 10、Smokers are anaffront to this fantasy, and that is why no condemnation is strong enough for their presumption.(吸烟者是对这个幻想的侮辱,按他们的设想,这就是为什么强烈谴责吸烟者还是不够的。)
  • 11、Having to rely on foreign rice seems to many a culturalaffront.(被迫依赖于进口大米好像是对本国文化的侮辱。)
  • 12、And such anaffront is typically elitist.(而这蔑视是典型精英主义的。)
  • 13、So great was theaffront!(这是多大的侮辱啊!)
  • 14、It is anaffront to the armies of traders, brokers and fund managers who require high costs for their livelihood.(这对大量“饲养”成本的交易员、经纪商和基金经理来说真是莫大的蔑视。)
  • 15、It was anaffront to common decency .(这是对社会礼仪的公然冒犯。)
  • 16、If you are challenged, you take it as a personalaffront and tend to lash out and fight back in a vengeful manner.(如果你是挑战,你把它作为个人的侮辱,往往批评,并争取在报复性地回来。)
  • 17、This will result in a waste of resources and could evenaffront the very individuals we are working to support.(这将带来资源的浪费,甚至可能会冒犯我们正努力援助的那些人。)
  • 18、These acts are anaffront to all standards of human decency and international law.(这些行为违背了人类尊严和国际法的一切准则。)
  • 19、The RUF specialised in cutting off the hands of their opponents for what they regarded as the smallestaffront.(关于RUF,最骇人听闻的莫过于哪怕他们的对手对他们只是最轻微的冒犯,也会招致砍去双手之灾。)
  • 20、His speech was anaffront to all members of the community.(他的话对社区所有成员是故意的侮辱。)
  • 21、He was not a man to sit down withaffront.(他并不是一个可以忍受当众侮辱的人。)
  • 22、When my husband, Dennis, first began using Facebook, it was anaffront to our 23-year-old daughter.(我先生丹尼斯开始使用Facebook是对我们23岁女儿的公然挑战。)
  • 23、This was done as anaffront to God and the Universe.(这样做是冒犯上帝和宇宙。)
  • 24、The sin of Ananias and Sapphira was anaffront to the holiness of God in His church.(亚拿尼亚和撒非喇的罪就是挑战圣洁的神和他的教会。)
  • 25、The play was considered anaffront to public morals.(人们认为这出戏侮辱了公众道德。)
  • 26、His contentment would be short-lived. France was bankrupt, and its monarchy anaffront to the Enlightenment.(但这种令他满足的状况好景不长,法国陷于破产,其君主制也成为对启蒙运动的公然蔑视。)
  • 27、Underlined is: “Each and every irksome Jew is a seriousaffront to the authenticity and veracity of our German identity.”(他写到:“每一个犹太人恼人的存在都是对忠厚诚实的德国人的公然侮辱。”)


英 [əˈfrʌnt] 美 [əˈfrʌnt] 

过去式: affronted 过去分词: affronted 现在分词: affronting 第三人称单数: affronts


