


更新时间:2025-03-02 22:17:01

  • 1、Reducing the risk ofmosquito transmission.(降低蚊子传播的风险。)
  • 2、Malaria is spread bymosquito bites.(疟疾经由蚊子叮咬传播。)
  • 3、Select red rose over time will become the hands ofmosquito blood, and a white rose will not sweeping movements out of the cooked rice into the mouth.(选择红玫瑰久而久之就会变成手上的蚊子血,白玫瑰会变成嘴角一粒未抺掉的饭粒。)
  • 4、In a common itch like amosquito bite, cells in the skin release a chemical called histamine.(在常见的瘙痒中,比如蚊虫叮咬,皮肤细胞会释放一种叫做组胺的化学物质。)
  • 5、You wouldn't want to meet amosquito that looked like this.(你不会希望遇到这样的蚊子吧。)
  • 6、I threw aside mymosquito net, jumped out of bed and drew up the blind.(我撩开蚊帐,跳下床,拉开百叶窗。)
  • 7、Typically, these symptoms occur within minutes after amosquito bite, compared to Skeeter Syndrome, which may take hours to days to occur.(通常,这些症状在蚊子叮咬后几分钟内发作,而相比之下,史基特症候群常在被叮咬几小时或几天后发生。)
  • 8、For some people, amosquito in the room is a threat to any little patch of exposed skin, while others seem to go unscathed.(对于一些人来说,只要暴露一小块皮肤,房间里的蚊子就会给他们带来威胁,而另外一些人好像毫发无损。)
  • 9、The problem was that the delta was amosquito-infested swamp.(问题在于当时的三角洲仅是蚊虫孳生的一片泥沼。)
  • 10、In recent decades,mosquito vectors of chikungunya have spread to Europe and America.(最近几十年,基孔肯雅热的蚊子媒介已传播到欧洲和美洲。)
  • 11、There, she will offer a drop-inmosquito-identification service.(在那里,她将提供一个顺便走访式的蚊虫鉴别服务。)
  • 12、Public health officials are reluctant to recommend the use ofmosquito nets over children's beds in such areas.(公共卫生官员不建议在这些地区的儿童床上使用蚊帐。)
  • 13、A second is the widespread use of insecticide-treatedmosquito nets.(其次是普遍使用经杀虫剂处理的蚊帐。)
  • 14、You shall take with you the anti-mosquito oil, sun-proof and sunstroke preventive articles for summer location shot.(夏季拍摄时,你应携带防蚊油,防晒霜和防暑用品。)
  • 15、Precise is this sonar view of the world that bats can distinguish by size, shape, and texture something as small as amosquito.(精确的是这种声纳观察世界的方法,蝙蝠可以通过大小、形状和纹理来辨别像蚊子这样的小东西。)
  • 16、He crushes it, with one hydraulic hand, almost unconsciously, like someone swatting amosquito.(他几乎无意识地用一只液压手将它拍个稀烂,就像拍死一只蚊子一样。)
  • 17、It is home to an intricate food web ofmosquito larvae, midges and bacteria, many of which can survive only in this unique habitat.(它是一个由蚊子幼虫、蠓和细菌组成的复杂食物网的家园,它们当中有许多只能在这个独特的栖息地生存。)
  • 18、Swamp fever is infected by helminth when themosquito bite people's body.(疟疾是通过蚊虫叮咬向人体传播寄生虫而感染的。)
  • 19、The frog darted out its tongue to catch amosquito.(这只青蛙突然伸出舌头捕捉蚊子。)
  • 20、Generally, WNV is spread by the bite of an infectedmosquito.(一般而言,西尼罗河病毒是由受到感染的蚊子传播的。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 21、I was her temporarymosquito net all that night through.(我成了她临时的蚊帐。)
  • 22、A singlemosquito can infect a large number of people.(一只蚊子就能传染很多人。)
  • 23、Laboratory tests show that secretions from the bodies of these millipedes are rich in two chemicals that are potentmosquito repellents, andmosquitoes carry parasites that debilitate capuchins.(实验室测试表明,这些千足虫体内的分泌物富含两种化学物质,这两种物质是有效的驱蚊剂,而蚊子携带的寄生虫会削弱卷尾猴的能力。)
  • 24、Where are you, miserablemosquito?(你在哪儿,令人不快的蚊子?)
  • 25、Amosquito in Africa is evolving into two different species.(在非洲一种蚊子正在进化成为两个不同的新品种。)
  • 26、When an infectedmosquito bites a human, spores are injected into the blood.(受感染的蚊子叮人时,孢子就被注入人体血液。)


英 [məˈski:təʊ] 美 [məˈski:toʊ] 

名词复数: mosquitoes

