


更新时间:2024-08-28 01:34:38

  • 1、It was not designed to help us find reason to praisesupernatural entities.(人们设计它的初衷并不是帮助我们找寻赞美超自然力量的原因。)
  • 2、Babbage has not seen anysupernatural action through his digital Windows.(透过他的数字窗口,巴贝奇并没有看到任何超自然的现象。)
  • 3、In short, awareness of a ghost-asupernatural agent-made people less likely to cheat.(简而言之,对鬼魂(一种超自然存在)的意识让人们不那么倾向于去作弊。) 【好工具】
  • 4、There's a well-known Norwegiansupernatural folk tale, a transformation story called East of the Sun and West of the Moon, which we'll read.(有一个著名的挪威民间变形故事,叫做《阳之东,月之西》,后面我们会读到。)
  • 5、The second category of Norwegian folk tale is thesupernatural.(挪威民间故事的第二种类型是超自然。)
  • 6、There's nothing inherentlysupernatural about sin.(罪恶没有什么内在的超能力。)
  • 7、As a person becomes more sophisticated, his conceptions ofsupernatural forces and causal relationships may change.(当一个人变得更加成熟,他对超自然力量和因果关系的概念可能会改变。)
  • 8、For the absurd of this existence assures them a little more ofsupernatural reality.(因为,这一荒谬的存在向他们多少相信了超自然的现实。)
  • 9、He writes short stories with a touch of thesupernatural.(他写带点儿超自然物的短篇故事。)
  • 10、Performers may wear costumes and masks to represent the mythical characters orsupernatural forces in the rituals or in accompanying celebrations.(在仪式或与之伴随的庆典中,表演者会穿戴戏服和面具来代表神话人物或超自然力量。)
  • 11、You might have asupernatural story involving a king, and he'd act like you'd expect a Norwegian king to act.(你可能会有关于某个国王的超自然故事,而他的行为和你想象中挪威国王的所作所为一样。)
  • 12、Is this another case of a special "sixth sense" orsupernatural ability?(难道这又是一个关于“第六感”或超然能力的特殊案例?)
  • 13、Bit Like: the Others, in terms of its low-key tone andsupernatural spookiness.(有点像:小岛惊魂,低调的旋律,神奇的幽灵。)
  • 14、The church is the site of a number ofsupernatural manifestations.(这座教堂是个鬼魂屡次出没的地方。)
  • 15、Thesesupernatural agents, Bering adds, might have very different names.(白令补充说,这些超自然的代表,可能有非常不同的名称。)
  • 16、We don't have a lot ofsupernatural interference in this story.(我们这个故事里看不到很多超自然的干扰。)
  • 17、Is there a spiritual, possibly evensupernatural, element to healing?(在疾病的治愈过程中有没有精神力量甚至是超自然力量的参与?)
  • 18、The Nakani were evil spirits who looked like humans and possessedsupernatural powers.(纳卡尼是恶魔,看起来像人类,却具有超自然力量。)
  • 19、In rural Russia, eggs can help you make friends withsupernatural forces.(在俄罗斯农村,鸡蛋能帮助你与超自然力量成为朋友。)
  • 20、The “Fact”: He had asupernatural birth(“真相”:他出生于一个神奇的日子)
  • 21、He did not believe in any kind ofsupernatural anything.(他不相信任何一种超自然的东西。)
  • 22、Nor is it something that could be remedied by somesupernatural power.(它也不是什么可以用超自然力量补救的东西。)
  • 23、Our predisposition to believe in asupernatural world stays with us as we get older.(我们这种相信存在着一个超自然世界的固有倾向将一直伴随我们到终老。)
  • 24、Frequently the myths include representatives of thosesupernatural forces that the rites celebrate or hope to influence.(这些神话故事中经常含有那些典型的超自然力量,人们通过举办仪式庆祝这些超自然力量或者期望能够影响它们。)
  • 25、Small wonder that an Indian legend described Devils Tower as being formed bysupernatural powers.(难怪印度传说中魔鬼塔是由超自然力量形成的。)
  • 26、Having little understanding of natural causes, it attributes both desirable and undesirable occurrences tosupernatural or magical forces, and it searches for means to win the favor of these forces.(由于对自然的原因了解甚少,它把所希望的和不希望发生的事情都归因于超自然的或魔法的力量,并寻找方法来赢得这些力量的青睐。)
  • 27、There are stories about giants and dragons and trolls, and humans withsupernatural powers or gifts, like invisibility cloaks.("这些故事与巨人、恶龙和巨魔有关,而且这些传说中的人往往都拥有超自然能力或天赋,还有有超能力的道具,比如隐形披风。)
  • 28、But superhuman does not meansupernatural.(但是超人并不意味着超自然。)


英 [ˌsu:pəˈnætʃrəl] 美 [ˌsu:pərˈnætʃrəl] 

副词: supernaturally 名词: supernaturalness

