


更新时间:2024-06-24 01:27:14

  • 1、While I am working on the news, I'm justabsorbing the news and checking pronunciations.(我在看新闻的时候,只是在吸收新闻和检查发音。)
  • 2、The sea cucumber has a type of collagen in its skin capable of excreting orabsorbing more water effectively changing from a liquid to a solid.(海参的肌肤内有一种胶原质,能有效排出或者吸收更多水,在液态和固态之间转换。)
  • 3、The engineering design provided impact-absorbing fendering capable of withstanding a glancing collision by a large ship.(工程设计提供了可吸收冲击的挡泥板,能够抵挡大型船的擦边碰撞。)
  • 4、Sharpening judgment byabsorbing and reflecting on law is a desirable component of a journalist's intellectual preparation for his or her career.(通过对法律进行理解和反思来提高判断力,是新闻工作者为其职业生涯所做的智力准备中应有的组成部分。)
  • 5、No matter how much I ate or had or experienced, it didn't satisfy me, because I wasn't really taking it in, wasn'tabsorbing it.(不管我吃了多少,拥有多少或经历了多少,都不能让我满足,因为我并没有真正吸收它,没有在理解它。)
  • 6、He stood still,absorbing every detail of the street.(他一动不动地站着,不放过街上的每一细微之处。)
  • 7、Textile producers areabsorbing a 150% rise in cotton prices over a year.(过去一年中,纺织品生产商不得不消化高达150%的棉花价格涨幅。)
  • 8、A refrigerant vaporises,absorbing heat from the air to be cooled.(制冷剂变为蒸汽,吸收空气中的热量。)
  • 9、"Two Sisters" is anabsorbing read.(《两姊妹》是一本引人入胜的读物。)
  • 10、This new novel is anabsorbing family saga.(这部新小说是一部引人入胜的家世小说。)
  • 11、As in all friendship, a husband and wife must try to interest each other, and to spend sufficient time sharingabsorbing activities to give them continuing common interests.(在所有的友谊中,丈夫和妻子必须试着引起对方的兴趣,并花足够的时间分享那些吸引人的活动,以使得他们有持续的共同兴趣。)
  • 12、These materials turn from a solid into a liquidabsorbing energy as they change phase.(这些材料在相变时从固体转变为吸收能量的液体。)
  • 13、Now visualize that same wallabsorbing all of your negative reactions.(继续想象,设想这堵墙也能吸收你自己的负面言行。)
  • 14、It sounds paradoxical, because the idea behind this hypothesis is that the red pigment is made in autumn leaves to protect chlorophyll, the light-absorbing chemical, from too much light.(这听起来很矛盾,因为这一假设背后的理念是,树叶在秋天产生的红色素是用于保护叶绿素这种吸收光的化学物质,以免它吸收过多的光。)
  • 15、She and Ned sat silently for a moment,absorbing the peace of the lake.(她和内德默默地坐了片刻,享受着那湖泊的宁静。)
  • 16、The data he compiled yielded a mathematical formula for the relationship between a room's echo duration, its quantity and quality of sound-absorbing materials, and its spatial volume.(他收集的数据得出了一个关于房间回声持续时间、吸音材料的数量和质量以及空间体积之间关系的数学公式。)
  • 17、The one-way interaction between TV and the couch potato is far different than anabsorbing Scrabble play-off with a friend on a mobile phone.(电视和电视痴迷之间的单向交互与在手机上和朋友玩的有趣的拼字游戏附加赛大不相同。)
  • 18、By hanging panels of soundabsorbing felt on the walls, Sabine reduced the echo enough to make the hall usable.(通过在墙上悬挂吸音板,Sabine减少了足够的回声,使大厅可用。)
  • 19、There is also a new steering wheel with an energy-absorbing rim to cushion the driver's head in the worst impacts.(还有新式方向盘,其边缘具有减震功能在最严重的冲击中缓冲保护司机的头部。)
  • 20、The book is anabsorbing read, but not a comfortable one.(这本书很引人入胜,但读起来并不轻松。) 【好工具】
  • 21、Card issuers have so far calculated thatabsorbing the liability for even big hacks like the Target one is still cheaper than replacing all that plastic.(发卡机构迄今为止的计算结果是,即便是为塔吉特这样的大黑客承担债务,也比更换所有的信用卡要便宜。)
  • 22、There is a kind of rough wall surface, which is said to be sound-absorbing.(有一种墙面是麻的,据说可以吸音。)
  • 23、Here I feel as if I amabsorbing the sunshine and serenity.(在这里我感觉是在吸收阳光和宁静。)
  • 24、When this water is used for agricultural irrigation, farmers riskabsorbing disease-causing bacteria, as do consumers who eat the produce raw and unwashed.(当这种水用于农业灌溉时,农民有接触到致病细菌的风险,那些食用了未加工和未经清洗的农产品的消费者也会面临这种风险。)
  • 25、I was carried away, seeing,absorbing many wonders.(我神魂颠倒,目睹吸收了多少神妙之处。)
  • 26、With your MP3 player, you can listen over and over to things you find interesting whileabsorbing the language.(利用你的MP3播放器,你可以一遍一遍地听你觉得有趣的东西,同时理解这门语言。)
  • 27、Chess can be an extremelyabsorbing game.(国际象棋有时就是一场引人入胜的游戏。)
  • 28、It became theabsorbing topic of village talk immediately.(这立刻成为全镇人谈论的热门话题。)
  • 29、The same goes for all self-absorbing GHGs.(所有自我吸收的温室气体也是如此。)


英 [əbˈsɔ:bɪŋ] 美 [əbˈsɔ:rbɪŋ] 


