


更新时间:2024-06-24 01:26:47

  • 1、First, I have an opportunity to start afresh, however, my best laid plans are castasunder by some old habits.(首先有机会重新开始,但我的美好计划总是因一些老的嗜好所打断。)
  • 2、God has allowed this to no other part, after it has been separated and cutasunder, to come together again.(神没有把这一能力,即在自身被分离和切开以后,又重新统一到一起的能力,许给其他动物。)
  • 3、Therefore now they are not two, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let no man putasunder.(这样,他们不是两个,而是一体了。为此,凡天主所结合的,人不可拆散。)
  • 4、Thy sword is with me to cutasunder my bonds, and there shall be no fear left for me in the world.(你的剑会助我劈开我的羁绊,在这世界上我将毫不畏惧。)
  • 5、Those whom God hath joined together let no man putasunder.(上帝所庇佑的结合之人不会被人拆散。)
  • 6、Divided there is little we can do, for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split usasunder.(我们如果分歧对立,就会一事无成——因为我们不敢在争吵不休、四分五裂时迎接强大的挑战。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 7、Mr Schultz wants to burstasunder the bonds created by Starbucks's humble origins as a coffee shop.(舒尔茨先生想把星巴克和出生寒微的作为咖啡店的星巴克之间的联系打碎。)
  • 8、There are no stunned looks of amazement in the audience, norumblings of a field tornasunder.(听众脸上没有什么感到震惊的表情,没有一个领域被冲击得四分五裂,旧格局并未被打破。)
  • 9、Entire cities can change, and lands will be tornasunder.(全部的城市都会发生变化,很多陆地都会被撕裂。)
  • 10、I stopped in my tracks, my heart tornasunder; but still I did not understand.(我焦虑地赶上前去,但我仍然不明白是怎么回事。)
  • 11、Now, Joe, examining this iron with a smith's eye, declared it to have been filedasunder some time ago.(当时,乔检查了这副脚镣。作为一个铁匠,他断定这副脚镣被锉开已有一段时期了。)
  • 12、What fire joins, none may put 'asunder.(火焰结为一体,无人能够分离。)
  • 13、The research and development that Bush toreasunder are once again becoming entwined.(研究与开发,当初布什分而治之,如今再次交织。)
  • 14、The limbs of the animal were tornasunder.(那动物的肢体已被撕裂。)
  • 15、What therefore God hath joined together, let not man putasunder.(所以神配合的,人不可分开。)
  • 16、In several months, the conflict had torn the whole of Egyptasunder.(在数月之间,冲突使得整个埃及支离破碎。)
  • 17、They were violently to be tornasunder at a coming signal.(一个既将出现的信号会把他们强行分离得天各一方。)
  • 18、Divided, there is little we can do - for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and splitasunder.(因为,意见分歧,各行其是,我们就不能对付强大的挑战。)
  • 19、Those, whom God has joined together, let no man putasunder.(这些由上帝所连接的新人结合是不会被任何人拆散的。)
  • 20、Even Jordan's party; the quartet from east egg, were rentasunder by dissension.(连乔丹的那一伙,从东卵来的那四位,也由于意见不和而四分五裂了。)
  • 21、Then I cutasunder mine other staff, even Bands, that I might break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel.(我又折断称为联索的那根杖,表明我废弃犹大与以色列弟兄的情谊。)
  • 22、The debate is tearing Wall Streetasunder.(这场争论令华尔街分崩离析。)
  • 23、And on the ground beside her, when Joe picked her up, was a convict's leg-iron which had been filedasunder.(乔回来后在抱起她时,发现她身旁的地上有一副逃犯的脚镣,看上去是被人用锉子锉开的。)
  • 24、Your conscience, conviction, integrity, and loyalties were tornasunder.(你的良心、信念、正直和忠诚都被扯得粉碎了。)
  • 25、The dream had snappedasunder--he was awake.(梦碎了——他醒了。)


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