


更新时间:2024-06-24 01:26:23

  • 1、It is asticky colorless film that coats the teeth.(它是一种覆盖在牙齿上的粘性无色薄膜。)
  • 2、This is asticky business.(这件事情很棘手。)
  • 3、This paste is notsticky enough.(这糨糊不黏。)
  • 4、It is verysticky indeed.(非常的粘。)
  • 5、What's a party withoutsticky darts?(没有飞镖的聚会将是怎样的呢?)
  • 6、Usually, this is accomplished by means ofsticky traps, a kind of fly paper on which they become increasingly stuck.(通常,这是通过粘捕器来实现的,这是一种苍蝇纸,它们在上面越来越粘。)
  • 7、Here is asticky business!(这事真难办!)
  • 8、I hope you will clean out all thosesticky old sweet papers and empty envelopes from your drawer this time.(我希望你这次将清除掉你抽屉中所有的黏糊糊的旧糖纸和空信封。)
  • 9、It's that nasty,sticky, sweet kind.(它是那种又苦,又黏糊糊的,又甜蜜的东西。)
  • 10、Portals attempt to create what they callsticky content to keep a user as long as possible.(门户网站试图创建他们所谓的粘性内容,以尽可能长时间地留住用户。)
  • 11、He'll come to asticky end one of these days if he carries on like that.(如果他继续这样,将来不久会落得个可悲的下场。)
  • 12、If the dough issticky, add more flour.(如果面团很粘,就再加些面粉。)
  • 13、Do you know those littlesticky notes?(你知道那些小的便利贴吗?)
  • 14、A midge gathers pollen from a cacao flower by sticking its head inside a "petal pouch" that contains both pollen and asticky nectar reward.(一只摇蚊把它的头伸进一个“花瓣囊”里,收集可可花的花粉,“花瓣囊”里既有花粉,也有粘稠的花蜜。)
  • 15、"Man's heart" in Yeats is "resinous"; it'ssticky filth that flames.(“人心”于叶芝看来是“树脂”;是粘乎乎会燃烧的脏东西。)
  • 16、The plant exudes asticky fluid.(这种植物分泌出一种黏液。)
  • 17、What's all thatsticky stuff on the carpet?(地毯上那黏乎乎的都是什么玩意儿?)
  • 18、The Dragon-boat festival is one of our traditional festivals. On that day, people will eatsticky rice dumplings and dragon boat races.(端午节是我们传统的节日之一。在那一天,人们会吃粽子和赛龙舟。)
  • 19、Inevitably the transition will yield somesticky moments.(转型过程中难免会有棘手的时候。)
  • 20、She takes a handful of ash, the flakes are large andsticky.(她取出一把灰末,是那种大片而粘性很好的。)
  • 21、It was pleasantly cool in the house after thesticky heat outside.(与户外的湿热相比,屋里真是凉爽惬意。)
  • 22、He watched her peel and dissect a pear neatly, no mess, nosticky fingers.(他看着她利索地削了个梨并切成几块,整整齐齐,手指干干净净。)
  • 23、It is asticky service.(它是一个很有粘性的服务。)
  • 24、Likesticky capsules filled with jelly.(就像黏黏的胶囊注满了冻糊糊。)
  • 25、The bark was stretched over frames made from tree branches, stitched together and sealed with resin—you know that thesticky liquid that comes out of the tree—and when it dries, it's watertight.(树皮在用树枝做好的框架中被拉长、延展,然后缝合在一起并用树脂密封好,就是那些从树中流出的黏黏的液体。当它干了以后就不漏水了。)
  • 26、For dessert, enjoy a unique twist on a traditional dish. Caramelized lychee sauce accompanies thesticky rice in lotus root.(至于甜点,在传统的菜肴上享受独特的反差。焦糖荔枝酱配以莲藕糯米。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 27、The idea that house prices are "sticky" and do not fall as demand falls should be of great comfort to homeowners.(房价具有“粘性”,并且不会随需求的下降而下降,这一观点的出现会让房主们宽心不少。)
  • 28、They prised open asticky can of blue paint.(他们撬开了一个装着蓝色油漆的黏糊糊的罐子。)
  • 29、The knob is only held on bysticky tape.(这个旋钮只是用胶带粘住的。)
  • 30、The paint is stillsticky.(油漆还是黏的。)


英 [ˈstɪki] 美 [ˈstɪki] 

副词: stickily 比较级: stickier 最高级: stickiest 名词: stickiness

