


更新时间:2024-06-24 01:32:28

  • 1、earnest, Huck—just asearnest as ever I was in my life.(我是认真的,哈克——像我平时那样认真。)
  • 2、I'm in deadlyearnest.(我是非常认真的。)
  • 3、While this conversation was going on, I was listening withearnest attention.(该谈话进行时,我在聚精会神地听。)
  • 4、It is what is fit for theearnest love that is working for truth.(与真诚的爱相符的才是为真理效劳的。)
  • 5、In 1918 the Radium Institute, whose staff Irène had joined, began to operate inearnest, and became a centre for nuclear physics and chemistry.(1918年,员工艾琳加入的镭研究所开始认真运作,并成为核物理和化学中心。)
  • 6、We have incorporated these into the Chinese Constitution, and we also implement them inearnest.(我们把这些内容纳入中国宪法,并认真加以落实。)
  • 7、Just as deadearnest as I'm sitting here.(就像我坐在这里一样千真万确。)
  • 8、Catherine was a pious,earnest woman.(凯瑟琳是位虔诚、真挚的女子。)
  • 9、But the word "gamification" and the widespread, conscious application of the concept only began inearnest about five years ago, Werbach says.(但Werbach说,“游戏化”这个词和这个概念的广泛、有意识的应用是在大约五年前才真正开始的。)
  • 10、I could tell she spoke inearnest.(我看得出她是郑重其事地说的。)
  • 11、He was veryearnest and thoroughgoing about it, and the affair took quite a long time.(他做事很认真,很彻底,这件事花了很长时间。)
  • 12、Anearnest expression, balding but with some beautiful white hair, thin lips, a sharp chin ... I remember thinking you were not handsome enough for me.(认真的表情,秃顶但有一些美丽的白发,薄薄的嘴唇,下巴很锋利……我记得我以为你不够帅。)
  • 13、He enjoyed his moments of solitude before the pressures of the day began inearnest.(他很喜欢一天的压力真正开始前的独处时刻。)
  • 14、Not taking Heidi inearnest, he hesitated till she put the things on his knees.(他并没有认真对待海蒂,他一直在犹豫,直到她把东西放到他的膝盖上。)
  • 15、Oh, good-licks; are you in real dead-woodearnest, Tom?(哦,真的吗,你是说真的吗,汤姆?)
  • 16、Tom—honest injun, now—is it fun, orearnest?(汤姆,你是开玩笑,还是说真的?)
  • 17、Despite herearnest efforts, she could not find a job.(尽管她已尽心竭力,但是仍然找不到工作。)
  • 18、The race for the White House begins inearnest today.(为入主白宫而展开的竞选今天正式开始。)
  • 19、The word religion is derived from the Latin noun religio, which denotes bothearnest observance of ritual obligations and an inward spirit of reverence.(宗教一词源自拉丁语宗教名词,它既表示认真遵守仪式义务,又表示内向的崇敬精神。)
  • 20、If I have to take exams, this is the stage when I would prepare inearnest for them.(如果我有必要参加考试,这个阶段是我会认真准备考试的时候。)
  • 21、You may laugh but I'm in deadlyearnest.(你可以笑,不过我可是正经八百的。)
  • 22、Campaigning will begin inearnest tomorrow.(活动明天正式开始。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 23、He has that phrase, "Anything more than the truth would have seemed too weak to theearnest love that laid the swale in rows."(他有那样一句话,“任何超过真理的东西,相比那把洼地修刈成行的热切的爱,都显得无力。”)
  • 24、He says in that next to last line, "It is the sweetest dream of labor, and it is theearnest love that is doing this mowing."(他在倒数第二行说:“这是劳动者最甜美的梦,而且这是在割草时最真挚的爱。”)
  • 25、They were all too much inearnest.(他们都太认真了。)
  • 26、The work on the house will begin inearnest on Monday.(这栋房子的修建工作将在星期一正式开始。)
  • 27、We need to make committed and veryearnest efforts to address these problems.(我们需要作出坚定和非常认真的努力来解决这些问题。)
  • 28、The next day, anearnest editor wrote an editorial.(第二天,一个诚挚的编辑写了一篇社论。)
  • 29、Theearnest young doctor answered all our questions.(这个认真的年轻医生回答了我们所有的问题。)
  • 30、Aim forearnest and prepare by practicing.(以认真为目标,通过练习来准备。)


英 [ˈɜ:nɪst] 美 [ˈɜ:rnɪst] 

副词: earnestly 名词: earnestness



