- 1、A skill is also associated with aproficiency level.(技能还与精通级别相关联。) haO86.com
- 2、Specifically, Conrad believes that many of the brain's capabilities stem from the pattern-recognitionproficiency of the individual molecules that make up each brain cell.(具体来说,康拉德认为大脑的许多能力源于组成每个脑细胞的单个分子的模式识别能力。)
- 3、Risk/control implications of different organizational structures(proficiency Level).(不同组织结构中的风险/控制内容(要求熟练掌握)。)
- 4、These companies seek for prospective Chinese employees with adequate certification of their Englishproficiency.(这些公司需要招募有合格英语能力的中国雇员。)
- 5、Many of them have limited Englishproficiency that can lead to costly mistakes or low productivity.(他们中许多人英语水平有限,这可能导致代价不菲的失误和工作效率低下。)
- 6、I am not required to take any languageproficiency tests.(我没有必要去参加任何的语言水平考试。)
- 7、He made littleproficiency in literary accomplishments.(他在文学方面成就不多。)
- 8、How do you think yourproficiency in written and spoken English?(你认为你的书面英语和口语熟练程度如何?)
- 9、3% of black school children in fourth grade are left behindproficiency levels.(做了评估,其中,在四年级的黑人孩子里,63%阅读能力较差,58%的西班牙孩子。)
- 10、Evidence of basicproficiency in English is part of the admissions requirement.(基本英语水平的证明是录取条件的一部分。)
- 11、Of what may be calledproficiency in music, therefore, I acquired none.(所以,谈到可以称得上熟晓的音乐,我其实什么也没学到。)
- 12、We focus both on generic linguisticproficiency and specialist vocabulary.(我们既关注一般的语言能力,也关注专业词汇。)
- 13、Resources should also be associated with skills and associatedproficiency.(资源应当同样与技能建立关联并与熟练程度建立关系。)
- 14、It shows an assessment of readingproficiency levels in fourth grade.(这项研究对,四年级同学的阅读熟练程度。)
- 15、This skill involvesproficiency at using select methods, processes, and procedures to accomplish tasks.(这种能力能熟练的通过选定的方法、过程和程序来完成任务。)
- 16、It tests the 4 main areas of languageproficiency: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking.(雅思考试主要测试四个方面的语言能力,即听、说、读、写。)
- 17、Why shouldn't she develop herproficiency?(那么,为什么让她不早点熟练运用呢?)
- 18、Handedness reflects our brain's bilateral organization, which goes hand-in-hand with ourproficiency with language.(用手偏好反映了我们大脑左右两边的组织,哪一边与我们精通语言密切相关。)
- 19、Many of its people lack the education andproficiency in English for modern jobs.(很多市民受教育程度不高,英语不熟练,不适合现代工作。)
- 20、Harvard College does not require an English-proficiency test for undergraduate applicants.(哈佛本科生院对本科申请人没有英语能力考试的要求。)