好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的carry through的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了26条carry through的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了carry through的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、He has proved he cancarry through on his promises.(他已证明他能履行自己的诺言。)
- 2、You are thus able tocarry through plans and fulfill your obligations, earning respect in your business or profession.(你进而有能力执行计划并且完成你的义务,获得你生意或专业的尊重。) Hao86.com
- 3、Appearance of private brand strategy causes retail marketing strategy and tactics tocarry through transforming uninterrupted in span and depth.(自有品牌战略的出现使得零售营销的战略和战术在广度和深度上不断进行变革。)
- 4、However, it's also very difficult to get fuel components to carry this experiment on, which makes this experiment can't becarry through widely.(即便如此,反应堆用到的燃料棒的获取仍是一件不易的事,给该实验的广泛进行带来了很大的阻碍。)
- 5、It use the existing industrial device and plant environment tocarry through device reformation and system's foundation.(它是在利用现有的工业设备和工厂环境的情况下,进行设备改造和系统的建立。)
- 6、Singers developed a sharp style of singing that couldcarry through the noise of street life.(演唱者发明了一种有着激扬风格的唱腔,可力透街市生活的嘈杂。)
- 7、The paper presents some personal viewpoints about how tocarry through the education of anti-frustration ability among college students.(文章仅针对此情况下如何对大学生进行抗挫折能力教育问题谈谈个人的观点。)
- 8、The EMF lets us generate a code that will use to create model instances, which wecarry through to this generation.(EMF让我们生成了一个代码,您可以使用该代码来创建模型实例,我们可以使用它来完成生成操作。)
- 9、These verbs signify tocarry through to completion. To.(这些动词都表示执行以完成。)
- 10、carry through the work of CPU design possess the momentous academic value and realistic value.(进行CPU相关的设计研发工作有着重大的学术意义和现实意义。)
- 11、Today, his hands hold up your hand, tomorrow, is a white-haired youcarry through with each other!(今天,他的手牵起了你的手,明日,是白发苍苍的你们彼此相携走过!)
- 12、Ada makes good plans but she cannotcarry through with any of them.(埃达的计划倒也订得不错,只是往往没能坚持实行到底。)
- 13、Stronson didn't have the strength tocarry through.(斯特朗森没有能力度过难关。)
- 14、The juvenility of theory and practice makes uscarry through further theoretic discussion necessarily.(理论和实践的不成熟,决定我们有必要对此进行一番探讨。)
- 15、The main point of the example doescarry through to real life, however.(然而,这个例子的核心思想贯穿了现实生活。)
- 16、They selflessly gave their all tocarry through technical innovations.(他们无私地献出一切来进行技术革新。)
- 17、carry through normal order and correct staff's deregulation. Monitor security staff clocking on and off duty.(维护正常秩序,纠正员工的违纪行为;监督保安部员工上下班考勤。)
- 18、But I'm going to make life simple in this way and just work through how tocarry through the calculation.(但是这里我们简单处理,只关心,我们是怎么往下计算的。)
- 19、We are determined tocarry through all our plans.(我们决心完成我们所有的计划。)
- 20、I greatly enjoyed designing large scale work and developed new ways of thinking, which willcarry through to my own practice at home.(我特别喜欢创作大规模的作品并且探索新的思维方法,这些将在我日后的创作中贯穿到底。)
- 21、We don't have the confidence that the U.N. willcarry through a sustained programme.(我们没有信心的是,联合国能否将该项目长期坚持下去。)
- 22、Clemente also doubts Israel willcarry through with warnings of a possible military strike against Iran's nuclear program.(克莱门特也怀疑,以色列真会一如他们警告的,对伊朗核设施采取军事行动。)
- 23、Uncertainty in the economy willcarry through 2009, but we'll move into the recovery stage.(经济的不确定性在2009年还将会持续,但我们将转入恢复的阶段。)
- 24、The focal spot sizes can immediately influence picture definition when X-ray machinecarry through clairvoyance and photography.(焦点的尺寸大小及聚焦质量直接影响X射线机透视、摄影图像的清晰度;)
- 25、In present period, all the highway projects in our country shouldcarry through two-stage feasibility study.(现阶段,对我国高速公路建设项目均应进行两阶段可行性研究。)
- 26、Poor decisions made earlycarry through to implementation and are more costly to change the farther the project gets in its lifecycle.(早期所作的失败的决定进行到实施阶段,并且越往后继续,代价越大。)