


更新时间:2024-12-22 22:55:46

  • 1、Quicker turnarounds mean less wastedinventory, more frequent releases, and more profit.(更快的周转意味着更少的库存浪费、更频繁的发货以及更多的利润。)
  • 2、Rather, the increase ininventory is entirely attributable to products that have already been assigned to orders received from customers.(相反,库存的增加完全是由已经分配给客户订单的产品所导致的。)
  • 3、In 2001, Cisco wrote offinventory worth US $2.25 billion due to duplicate orders.(2001年,思科公司注销了库存由于重复的订单价值22.5亿美元。)
  • 4、How do you check yourinventory?(您如何检查您的清单?)
  • 5、And goodinventory is hard to find.(好的房源不太容易找到。)
  • 6、Need to display accurateinventory levels.(需要显示准确的库存量。)
  • 7、This is where theinventory list appears.(这是库存清单显示的地方。)
  • 8、The Spielberger anxietyinventory evaluates how anxious respondents feel at a particular moment.(《斯皮尔伯格焦虑量表》评估焦虑者在特定时刻的感受。)
  • 9、Theinventory will be disposed of over the next twelve weeks.(在未来的十二个星期中将进行清仓处理。)
  • 10、Do a quickinventory of the equipment.(迅速做一个设备清单。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 11、I did all of the ordering for the store, and I kept track of theinventory.(我为店里做了所有的订单,并记录了库存情况。)
  • 12、Take a joyinventory.(把快乐制成存货单。)
  • 13、Manage yourinventory and information.(管理您的清单和信息。)
  • 14、It is true that an increasedinventory of finished products often indicates that production is outstripping demand, but in Burton's case it indicates no such thing.(的确,成品库存的增加往往表明生产超出了需求,但在伯顿的案例中,这并没有说明这一点。)
  • 15、Many winemakers use cork stoppers; but cork stoppers can leak, crumble, or become moldy, so that those winemakers must often discard a significant proportion of theirinventory of bottled wine.(许多酿酒师使用软木塞;但软木塞可能会漏水、碎裂或发霉,因此这些酿酒师常常必须丢弃大量的库存瓶装葡萄酒。)
  • 16、If something wrong is found upstream, or if we stop building the product, the scrap will be higher due to the in-processinventory.(如果在上游发现了问题,或者如果我们停止生产产品,由于在制品库存,报废率会更高。)
  • 17、Reduceinventory wherever possible.(只要可能的话,减少存货。)
  • 18、They're likely to hold big fire sales to liquidate theirinventory.(为了盘活库存,他们很可能会进行大甩卖。)
  • 19、The change ininventory is?(库存的变化是?)
  • 20、We help reduceinventory.(我们能帮助减少库存。)
  • 21、Some storesinventory their stock once a month.(有些商店每月盘货一次。)
  • 22、Before starting, he made aninventory of everything that was to stay.(出发前,他把要留下的所有东西列了一份详细清单。)
  • 23、If so, you're modelinginventory.(如果是这样,那么您就模拟了一个清单。)
  • 24、Takeinventory before you shop.(购物前拉个清单。)
  • 25、Esplanade Company uses the periodicinventory method.(散步路公司使用定期盘存方法。)
  • 26、Apple's bete noire in recent years has been timinginventory to meet demand.(苹果公司近几年最头疼的问题是及时供货以满足市场需求。)
  • 27、This concept appears in manufacturing where they count both scrap andinventory.(这一概念出现在制造业中,在其中计算废料和库存。)
  • 28、It focuses on the positioning of decouplinginventory.(它专注于解耦库存的位置。)
  • 29、This is your Self-Esteeminventory.(这就是你的自信心清单。)


英 [ˈɪnvəntri] 美 [ˈɪnvəntɔ:ri] 

形容词: inventorial 副词: inventorially 名词复数: inventories 过去式: inventoried 过去分词: inventoried 现在分词: inventorying 第三人称单数: inventories


