


更新时间:2024-08-28 01:38:43

  • 1、The quality of the recording is quiteexceptional.(录音质量相当不错。)
  • 2、However, there is oneexceptional dump, which does represent a very large part of the site's total history of consumption and for which an estimate of quantity has been produced.(但是,有一个例外的垃圾场,它确实占了该场址消费总历史的很大一部分,人们已对其数量进行了估计。)
  • 3、The authors spent five years studying the behaviour of their 344 "exceptional companies", only to come up at first with nothing.(两位作者花了5年时间研究那344家“杰出公司”的行为,没想到起初却一无所获。)
  • 4、Today, people still look to stars or genes, astrology or genetics, in the hope of finding the source ofexceptional abilities or personal characteristics.(今天,人们仍然研究星星或基因、占星术或遗传学,希望找到超常的能力或个人特征的来源。)
  • 5、The island boasts twoexceptional beaches: Tung Wan, a popular bathing area with idyllic beach houses and Kwan-yin Wan, known as a windsurfing haven.(岛上自称有着两个特殊的沙滩:东湾,它是一个受欢迎游泳区,具有大批田园诗般的海滨别墅,还有观音湾,著名帆板运动的避风港。) (好工具
  • 6、Dickens had so much energy and such anexceptional imagination.(狄更斯精力充沛,想象力非凡。)
  • 7、The flesh of this kind of fish hasexceptional delicacy.(这种鱼的肉异常鲜美。)
  • 8、She's a woman ofexceptional intelligence.(她是个格外聪明的女人。)
  • 9、But as it turns out, waiters see only a tiny bump in tips when they do anexceptional job compared to a passable one.(但事实证明,即使服务员的工作做得非常出色,他们得到的小费也只会比合格服务员增加一点点。)
  • 10、I have never seen the video cable go bad, but I think that inexceptional circumstances, it is possible.(我从来没有见过视频电缆坏掉,但我认为在特殊情况下,这是可能的。)
  • 11、exceptional efforts will gain an Outstanding Achievement Award.(杰出的工作将被冠以杰出成就奖。)
  • 12、She was possessed ofexceptional powers of concentration.(她有高超的专注能力。)
  • 13、Bailyn might respond that New England wasexceptional.(贝林可能会回应说,新英格兰是个例外。)
  • 14、Their technical ability isexceptional.(他们的技能是非凡的。)
  • 15、exceptional companies approach these tradeoffs with two simple rules in mind, sometimes consciously, sometimes unconsciously.(杰出的公司在权衡这些问题时,会有意无意地遵循两条简单的规则。)
  • 16、It is also anexceptional place to observe the Holy Penas massif.(它也是观察圣佩纳斯山地块的绝佳场所。)
  • 17、A review panel concluded that there were noexceptional circumstances that would warrant a lesser penalty for him.(一个评估小组作出结论:没有什么例外情况可使他获得从轻惩罚。)
  • 18、We will wander in traditional small towns and end our tour with anexceptional museum in Shanghai.(我们将在传统的小镇漫步,在参观上海的一座特殊的博物馆后结束我们的旅行。)
  • 19、Success authors usually serve up vivid stories about howexceptional businesspeople stamped their personalities on a company or rescued it from a life-threatening crisis.(成功的作家通常会生动地讲述杰出的商人如何在一家公司打上他们个性的烙印,或如何将公司从危及生命的危机中拯救出来。)
  • 20、exceptional students are given free tuition.(表现优异的学生免交学费。)
  • 21、Equuleus is only produced inexceptional vintages and is notable for its age worthiness and concentration.(天马星座葡萄酒只能在特定的时期酿造,它以时期性和集中的时间性体现独特的价值。)
  • 22、Good guides can transform your experience from ordinary toexceptional.(好的向导可以让你的体验从普通转变为非凡。)
  • 23、Capital punishment is allowable only underexceptional circumstances.(只有在特殊情况下才允许判死刑。)
  • 24、For such people and many more perhaps not soexceptional, the proper formulation is, "Succeed at all costs but avoid appearing ambitious."(对于这样的人,以及更多或许不那么杰出的人来说,恰当的表述是:“不惜一切代价取得成功,但要避免显得雄心勃勃。”)
  • 25、I recommend him without reservation, as I believe you will appreciate hisexceptional ability in his studies.(我毫无保留的向你推荐他,因为我相信你会欣赏他在研究上的非凡能力。)
  • 26、This deadline will be extended only inexceptional circumstances.(只有在特殊情况下才会延长最后期限。)
  • 27、At the age of five he showedexceptional talent as a musician.(他五岁时就表现出非凡的音乐才能。)
  • 28、Its flesh hasexceptional delicacies.(它的肉异常鲜美。)
  • 29、Marvin's father wasexceptional for the inflexibility of his rules.(马文的父亲特别对他定的规矩不容变通。)
  • 30、The young surgeon showedexceptional competence.(这位年轻的外科医生具有不寻常的才干。)


英 [ɪkˈsepʃənl] 美 [ɪkˈsɛpʃənəl] 

副词: exceptionally 名词: exceptionality

