- 1、Her moods oscillated betweendepression and elation.(她的情绪时而抑郁,时而亢奋。)
- 2、He suffered occasional bouts ofdepression.(他有时会犯抑郁症。)
- 3、After my birth, Mom had severe postpartumdepression.(我出生后,妈妈得了严重的产后抑郁症。)
- 4、For the first few months after Daniel died, I was in a state of clinicaldepression.(丹尼尔去世后的头几个月,我一直处在临床抑郁状态。)
- 5、There was a feeling of gloom anddepression in the office when the news of the job cuts was announced.(裁员消息宣布时办公室里一片忧郁和沮丧的气氛。)
- 6、I slid into adepression.(我渐渐陷入了抑郁之中。)
- 7、A decrease in face-to-face social contact can precipitatedepression.(面对面社交接触的减少会导致抑郁。)
- 8、Gradually mydepression started to lift.(我的沮丧情绪开始逐渐消失。)
- 9、He slides intodepression.(他陷入抑郁。)
- 10、Mr. Thomas was suffering fromdepression.(托马斯先生当时正受抑郁症折磨。)
- 11、If you tend to overeat because ofdepression, first take steps to recognize the source of your sadness.(如果你因为沮丧而打算暴食的话,首先要设法弄清你悲伤的来源。)
- 12、Lack of exercise can lead to feelings ofdepression and exhaustion.(锻炼的缺乏会导致抑郁和疲倦感。)
- 13、Many unemployed people experience feelings of isolation anddepression.(很多失业者有孤独沮丧的感觉。)
- 14、She suffered from severedepression after losing her job.(她失业后患了严重的抑郁症。)
- 15、Online programs to fightdepression are already commercially available.(对抗抑郁症的在线项目市面上已经有了。) (好工具hao86.com)
- 16、She had slid into adepression.(她不知不觉地抑郁寡欢起来。)
- 17、The country was in the grip of (an) economicdepression.(当时国家处于经济萧条期。)
- 18、Women who eat plenty of fresh vegetables are far less likely to suffer anxiety ordepression.(吃大量新鲜蔬菜的女人患焦虑症或抑郁症的几率要少得多。)
- 19、The news plunged them into deepdepression.(这条消息立即使他们深感沮丧。)
- 20、depression is almost always accompanied by insomnia.(抑郁症几乎总是伴有失眠。)
- 21、She continued to have severe stomach cramps, aches, fatigue, anddepression.(她仍有严重的胃痉挛、疼痛、疲惫和抑郁症状。)
- 22、depression is treatable.(抑郁症是可治愈的。)
- 23、Her love of these sandwiches was a carryover from thedepression, when she sometimes had nothing else to eat.(她对三明治的钟爱是大萧条时期留下的后遗症,她那时往往没有别的东西可吃。)
- 24、Herdepression was misdiagnosed as stress.(她的抑郁症被误认为是紧张。)
- 25、The result later in life may be feelings of emptiness anddepression.(结果是往后的生活可能会感到空虚和沮丧。)
- 26、It seems important to sensitize people to the fact thatdepression is more than the blues.(让人们意识到抑郁症不仅是沮丧,这点似乎是重要的。)
- 27、More than once,depression drove him to attempt suicide.(不止一次,抑郁驱使他试图自杀。)
- 28、I pulled out of thedepression very quickly with treatment.(经过治疗,我很快就摆脱了抑郁症。)
- 29、During adepression money circulates slowly.(在商业萧条时期,货币流通滞缓。)
- 30、They are fearful of another businessdepression.(他们担心会再次发生商业萧条。)