- 1、The congressman was accused of abreach of secrecy rules.(这个国会议员被指控违反保密条例。)
- 2、He was the first to mount thebreach in the city wall.(他首先登上城墙豁口。)
- 3、There is abreach in the wall.(墙上豁了一个口子。)
- 4、They are inbreach of Article 119.(他们违犯了第119条。)
- 5、She hurled one in return, and the angrybreach was complete.(她回骂了一句,彻底决裂了。)
- 6、The company has been served with a writ forbreach of contract.(这家公司因违约已接到法院令状。)
- 7、Barely a day passes without news of another major computer securitybreach.(一天中,很少有能出现信息安全不被破坏的消息。)
- 8、Had we consulted the website of the Emily Post Institute, this embarrassingbreach of etiquette could have been avoided.(如果我们咨询过艾米莉·波斯特学院的网站,这个尴尬的违反礼仪就可以避免了。)
- 9、Once more into thebreach, dear friends.(共赴战场,亲爱的朋友。)
- 10、The relief for damages of repudiatorybreach on the Anglo law, can divide into three major kinds usual.(英合同法上对实质性违约所产生损害的救济,通常可分为三大类。)
- 11、Both parties now accept that the present system doesbreach a new law.(现在双方都承认现行制度确实违反了新法规。)
- 12、Your action is abreach of the agreement.(你们的行为违背了协议。) (好工具hao86.com)
- 13、They were charged with being accessories to thebreach of copyright laws.(他们被指控为违反著作权法的从犯。)
- 14、Thebreach of contract put us in an unfavorable position.(违反合同使我们陷入不利境地。)
- 15、Your company are inbreach of the contract.(你们公司违反了合同。)
- 16、The defendant is inbreach of his statutory duty.(被告未履行他的法定义务。)
- 17、Their actions threatened a seriousbreach in relations between the two countries.(他们的行动有威胁两国关系分裂的危险。)
- 18、Their actions amount to abreach of contract.(他们的行为已属违反合同。)
- 19、Police sources yesterday downplayed the significance of the securitybreach.(警方昨天的消息对这次安全缺口的重要性轻描淡写。)
- 20、We've waited six months for him to remedy thebreach.(六个月以来我们一直等待他们能够冰释前嫌。)
- 21、He admitted causing abreach of the peace.(他承认扰乱了治安。)
- 22、It's clearly abreach of contract.(这显然是违反了合同。)
- 23、They have a case against their directors forbreach of fiduciary duty.(他们对董事们违反信托责任提出诉讼。)
- 24、Thebreach between them never really healed.(他们之间的裂痕从来没有真正弥合。)
- 25、This was such a greatbreach of etiquette, he hardly knew what to do.(这是一起规矩的严重违反,他几乎不知所措了。)
- 26、They escaped through abreach in the wire fence.(他们从铁丝网上的一个缺口逃走了。)
- 27、Four men were found guilty ofbreach of the peace.(四名男子被定扰乱治安罪。)
- 28、Every member of the G7 willbreach that limit this year.(今年,G7的每个成员国都将超过这个界限了。)