
at fault

at fault造句

更新时间:2024-08-28 01:38:17

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的at fault的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了26条at fault的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了at fault的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、If their parents were abusing them, they must have beenat fault, not the abuser.(当父母指责他们,那么一定是他们自己哪做错了,而不是批评者的错。)
  • 2、He could never accept that he had beenat fault.(他永远也无法接受他犯了过错。)
  • 3、Voters won't punish you for outrageous behavior if all they ever hear is that both sides areat fault.(如果选民不断听到两个方面都有过错,他们就不会惩罚那些令人发指的行为。)
  • 4、One law allows a spouse to claim all family assets if her partner is considered “at fault.(如果配偶一方犯有严重错误可向对方要求家里所有的财产作为补偿。)
  • 5、It's your expectations that areat fault.(是你的期望错了。)
  • 6、Whatever our views of its cause, we can agree that children at risk are notat fault.(无论我们如何看待贫穷的原因,我们都必须承认,孩子敢于冒险不等于在犯错误。)
  • 7、When people disappoint you, it's not their fault. They're just being who they are. Your expectations areat fault.(当人们让你失望,那不是他们的错。他们只是他们。你的期望是错误的。)
  • 8、It's an open-and-shut case. The hospital isat fault.(这是一件容易裁决的案子,责任在医院一方。)
  • 9、Nor is the south, Italy's customary punchbag, entirelyat fault.(意大利南部,像是个长期沙袋,完全就是个错误。)
  • 10、If you have problems, you can debug them and be sure that the SSL configuration isn'tat fault.(如果遇到问题,您可以调试它们,并确信SSL配置没有问题。)
  • 11、If my memory is notat fault, it was Thursday.(如果我没记错的话,那是星期四。)
  • 12、at fault may be the very idea of highlighting a site's particular merits.(有过失可能正是一种来突显古迹的特殊价值的办法。)
  • 13、Wall Streeters and the financial experts are alsoat fault.(华尔街人和金融专家也其责难咎。)
  • 14、Apologize even if you don't feel you're directlyat fault.(即便你不觉得错误直接在你,也要道歉。)
  • 15、He says most men deny that they are abusers, reject change, and believe the women areat fault.(他说大部分男性否认他们是施虐者,拒绝改变,而且相信女性才是犯错的一方。)
  • 16、Who isat fault?(是谁的错?)
  • 17、But Elop was not the only personat fault.(但埃洛普不是唯一一个犯了错的人。)
  • 18、We would accept a claim if we wereat fault.(如果是我们出错了的话,我们就会接受索赔。)
  • 19、It was Pearce's tactics that wereat fault, not his team's technique.(出问题的是皮尔斯的战术,不是他这支队伍的技术。)
  • 20、She did not wish to convey that they were allat fault.(她不愿表现出他们人人都有错。)
  • 21、In some cases it's clear from the nature of the problem that the JIT isat fault.(在某些情况下,从问题的特性可以很清楚地看出就是JIT的问题。)
  • 22、But it's important to note that there was no exploration of who wasat fault in any of these accidents.(但是我们必须注意到在这些事故中,并没有探究谁是罪魁祸首。)
  • 23、And please, let's not have the usual declarations that both sides areat fault.(请千万不要像惯常那样宣称,双方面都存在过错。)
  • 24、Who'sat fault for its overuse?(谁该为它的过度使用负全责呢?)
  • 25、The embarrassing discovery of which then carries very damaging consequences for thoseat fault.(令人窘迫的发现是,这些错误总是带去具有毁灭性的后果。)
  • 26、Do not accuse the person of living in thepast or not letting things go if you are the oneat fault.(如果是你错了,不要责怪他人小心眼,老念叨过去的事情。)
at fault基本释义

at fault

英 [æt fɔ:lt] 美 [æt fɔlt] 

出毛病; 有责任; 失去嗅迹而不能继续追踪
