- 1、We made a shortdiversion to go and look at the castle.(我们绕了一小段路去参观城堡。)
- 2、Strangers and travelers were welcome sources ofdiversion, and brought news of the outside world.(陌生人和旅行者是受欢迎的消遣来源,他们带来了外面世界的新闻。)
- 3、And certainly, any losses due todiversion, counterfeiting, and recalls would be reduced.(当然,转移、伪造和召回带来的损失也将减少。)
- 4、Thou'lt find it gooddiversion.(你会发现这是一种很好的消遣。)
- 5、Fear of fueldiversion is growing, along with fear of proliferation in general.(在担忧核扩散的同时,大众对燃料转换(fueldiversion)的担心也与日俱增。)
- 6、In 1766 he excommunicated the village for its "depraveddiversion."(1766年他因“堕落的娱乐活动”将该村逐出教会。)
- 7、The laws of physics will not allow waterdiversion from the Great Bend.(他认为墨脱的大坝仅仅是水力发电设施,而非水利分流设施。“物理学定律决定了不可能从大拐弯处进行分流。”)
- 8、Like many other sports, table tennis began as a mild socialdiversion.(正如其他运动一样,乒乓球只是社会中无足轻重的一部分。)
- 9、The party will make a pleasantdiversion.(晚会会是一个很不错的消遣。)
- 10、Thediversion was fleeting, for they succumbed almost immediately to the waning of oxygen.(这个大迁移是短暂的,因为它们几乎是立即就死于氧气的逐渐减少了。)
- 11、Our hearts are capricious: it's their onlydiversion and their only excuse.(我们凭一时高兴而随心所欲,这是我们仅有的消遣和唯一的借口。)
- 12、We might say of friendships that they are a matter not ofdiversion or of return but of meaning.(我们可以说友谊不是快乐或者回报,而是具有深刻的含义。)
- 13、For the government, the war was a welcomediversion from the country's economic problems.(政府欢迎这场战争,因为它转移了人们对国家经济问题的注意力。)
- 14、A slightdiversion in the road is causing major headaches for businesses along El Camino Real.(马路上的一小段绕行道让国王大道沿街的商家十分头疼。)
- 15、Somediversion will happen, but firms that have tried tiered pricing have found ways to reduce it.(一些转移可能会发生,是是已经有一些采取差别定价的公司找到了减少这种现象的有效办法。)
- 16、While not directly related to using lsof, a briefdiversion to the /proc directory is in order.(尽管与使用lsof没有什么直接的关系,但对/proc目录进行简要的介绍是有必要的。)
- 17、You already know that mydiversion is ironing.(你已经知道了,我自己转移注意力的方法就是熨衣服。)
- 18、A smoke bomb created adiversion while the robbery took place.(劫案发生时,一枚烟雾弹转移了人们的视线。) hAo86.com
- 19、Thediversion of a stream changed the land.(一条小溪的转向使这块土地发生了变化。)
- 20、At first he considered Sherlock Holmes a pleasantdiversion that filled a gap in his income.(最初,他写福尔摩斯是为了解闷,顺便赚点外快填补家用。)
- 21、The nightclub has a landfilldiversion rate of 89 percent.(这家夜总会的垃圾填埋转移率达到89%。)
- 22、For a quickdiversion, click the Home TAB and check your test coverage report again.(为了进行快速的分类,点击home项并再次检查您的测试覆盖面。)
- 23、We had for a short time a tutor of whom this was a petdiversion.(有一位教我们时间很短的家庭老师,这样的行为就是他最得意的消遣。)
- 24、There has been nodiversion in our program.(目前我们还没有在改变计划。)
- 25、Billy Boy was both adiversion and a fellow traveler.(小比利既让我感到不再无聊,又是一个旅伴。)