- 1、This hits Britain hard as North Sea reservesdwindle and the country imports an ever-greater share of its energy.(因为北海储量减少,国家能源更加依赖进口,英国能源受到了沉重打击。)
- 2、Idwindle, thin as a golden flower.(我缩少,尽管薄的一朵金色的花。)
- 3、They will always be valuable (possibly even more valuable) while men's supposed natural attributesdwindle.(当男人的那些所谓自然特质逐渐式微之时,女人的那些才是有价值的(很有可能会更有价值)。)
- 4、The IIF expects that flows willdwindle to a paltry $165 billion this year.(国际金融协会(IIF)预计,今年私人资本的净流入将减少到区区1650以美金。)
- 5、The boost from firms rebuilding their inventories after running them down in the recession willdwindle.(在经济不景气的时,企业重建库存的动力将会下降。)
- 6、But soda companies won't just sit quietly and let their profitsdwindle.(不过苏打水公司可不会坐视不管,任凭利润下降。)
- 7、Unfortunately, the longer that the credit crunch continues, the more those reserves will start todwindle.(不幸的是,信贷紧缩持续的越久,更多的储备会下降。)
- 8、If we try to avoid the confrontation then creativity, motivation, hope and positivity start todwindle.(要是我们试图回避挑战,那么创造力、动力、希望和积极性就都会开始减弱。)
- 9、As in the Oligocene before it, grasslands continued to expand and forests todwindle in extent.(在先前的渐新世,草地的面积增大,森林的面积减少。) hAo86.com
- 10、But as the online holdings of Google Books increases, will delivery request trafficdwindle?(但当GoogleBooks在线馆藏的日益增加时,是否会减少传递请求数量?)
- 11、This windfall will eventuallydwindle.(此类侥幸所得终将减少。)
- 12、Once forest cover does start increasing, the rate of extinction shoulddwindle.(一旦森林覆盖开始增加,灭绝的速度应该变小。)
- 13、Bribery has begun todwindle since the OECD convention, says Transparency International, a pressure group.(压力团体“透明国际(TransparencyInternational)”表示,自从缔结“经合组织合约”之后,贿赂已经开始减少。)
- 14、The number of people going to the cinema seems todwindle steadily .(看电影的人数似乎在逐渐下降。)
- 15、As farmers brought their crops to the city by bicycle or bus, long food lines began todwindle and then disappear.(农民用自行车或汽车把粮食贩卖到城市,排队买粮的城里人慢慢减少,最后完全消失。)
- 16、On shorter routes, their advantagesdwindle: they can neither transform a region nor replicate the advantages of wider networks.(在较短途的线路,高铁优势减弱:它们既不能改变一个地区,也不能复制更广泛网络的优势。)
- 17、Many would-be retirees have watched their savingsdwindle and health care costs soar.(许多将要退休的人,看到存款缩小,而健保开支猛增。)
- 18、Authors see a new way to nurture fans and make money, even as publishing budgetsdwindle. (Unbound's profits are split 50-50.)(出版预算日减的当下,作者发现了一种新方式,既可培养粉丝,又能挣钱(Unbound网站利润采取五五分成方式)。)
- 19、Walking across the graveyardI hear the city's trafficdwindle to a low hum.(穿过墓地,我听到城市的喧嚣声逐渐沉寂为一片嗡嗡声。)
- 20、Worse is to come. The IIF expects that flows willdwindle to a paltry $165 billion this year.(更为严重的就来了,IIF预计今年将降至1650美元。)
- 21、The windfall will eventuallydwindle.(暴利税最终将下降。)
- 22、They watched its lightdwindle and disappear.(他们看着它的光亮变的微弱最终消失了。)
- 23、Although LEDs will be more profitable than incandescent bulbs the replacement market will eventuallydwindle.(尽管LED灯比白炽灯利润空间更大,但灯源替代市场钟会趋于缩小。)
- 24、As the riversdwindle, the conflicts could spread.(河流在减少,冲突却在扩大。)
- 25、Stars smaller than eight solar masses simply expand into red giants and thendwindle away into white dwarfs.(那些不到8个太阳质量的小恒星就会扩大成红巨星,最终缩小成白矮星。)
- 26、Basically, everything began todwindle.(基本上一切都开始褪色。)