- 1、With larger stomachs and slowerdigestion, you don't need as much energy.(有了更大的胃和更慢的消化速度,你就不需要这么多能量了。)
- 2、Orlistat blocks thedigestion and absorption of fat in your stomach and intestines.(奥利司他可以在胃及肠道中阻止脂肪的消化与吸收。)
- 3、digestion USES a large amount of energy in your body.(消化食物会消耗身体大量的能量。)
- 4、Poordigestion can be caused by defective mastication of the food in the mouth.(消化不良可能是因为嘴里的食物没有完全嚼碎而引起的。)
- 5、It isn't destroyed by humandigestion. And pasteurization is no help.(它不仅破坏人体消化,而且巴氏杀菌法对其无效。)
- 6、The partialdigestion process is supposed to add a wonderful musky flavour.(这种部分消化的过程被认为给咖啡豆增添了一种美好的麝香味道。)
- 7、Expert: Your blood group cannot affectdigestion or the way food is broken down.(专家提醒:一个人的血型不会对食物的消化和分解产生影响。)
- 8、Sugars and starches are broken down into simple sugars duringdigestion.(糖和淀粉在消化过程中被分解为单糖。)
- 9、No liquids are served with meals because they interfere withdigestion.(上菜时不提供饮料,因为会妨碍消化。)
- 10、The difference was because of the lower cost ofdigestion.(这种区别的原因是消化的低消耗。)
- 11、Slow down to lose weight, improvedigestion, and enjoy life more. Read more.(细嚼慢咽可以帮你减肥,并有助于消化,让你充分享受生活。)
- 12、Mellet recognized no evidence ofdigestion in his carnivore assemblages.(梅尔莱在他的食肉动物群落中没有发现消化的迹象。)
- 13、Some of thisdigestion begins in the mouth.(一些消化就开始于口腔。)
- 14、They claim to boost your immune system and helpdigestion.(他们宣称自己的饮料能增强你的免疫力且有助于消化。)
- 15、It is a process ofdigestion rather than simple duplication.(这对我来说并非是简单的复制,而是一种消化过程。)
- 16、digestion begins in the mouth with the action of saliva.(消化是在口腔中唾液的作用下开始的。)
- 17、Thedigestion phase gives companies a great chance to improve their services.(消化阶段让公司有一个很好的机会来改进他们的服务。)
- 18、It improvesdigestion and helps us develop antibodies.(水能促进消化并帮助我们产生抗体。)
- 19、Much of the food value is lost in the animal's process ofdigestion and cell replacement.(食物的大部分价值在动物的消化和细胞替代过程中丧失了。)
- 20、The mouse will die of suffocation or even shock beforedigestion.(在被消化之前,老鼠会死于窒息,甚至被吓死。)
- 21、Which indicates that theirdigestion was impaired.(这表明它们的消化受到了损害。)
- 22、Overindulgence could lead to problems withdigestion.(过度放纵会引起肠胃问题。)
- 23、As a tea, it also AIDSdigestion.(同时作为茶的一种,它也能帮助消化。) hAo86.com
- 24、Kombucha fans claim it gives energy, AIDSdigestion.(康普茶粉丝声称它能增加活力,有助消化。)
- 25、NEWS: Sushidigestion Aided by Intestinal germs.(新闻:肠道致病菌菌有助于寿司的消化。)
- 26、Don't let thedigestion of these facts bring on a stomach ache, though.(但是不要因为消化这些事实而让你肚子疼,虽然事实如此。)
- 27、In more ways than one, a glass of wine may aiddigestion.(从很多方面看,一杯红酒能有助消化。)
- 28、Chewing slowly also AIDS in fasterdigestion and a reduction in gas and bloating.(慢慢地咀嚼也能帮助快速地消化和减少胀气。)