- 1、The experiment highlights the importance of morality: without it, how can a robot decide whom to save or what's best for humanity, especially if it can'tcalculate survival odds?(这个实验强调了道德的重要性:如果没有道德,一个机器人怎么能决定拯救谁,或者什么对人类最有利,尤其是当它不能计算生存几率的时候?)
- 2、After this test we cancalculate: It takes 40 minutes to braise a chook by a normal boiler, but it only needs 15 minutes by the flameout reboiler.(通过这个实验我们来算一算:采用普通锅炖鸡需要花费40分钟,而熄火再煮锅只需15分钟。)
- 3、If wecalculate the change in entropy during gas mixing, we will find that this quantity is positive.(如果我们计算气体混合过程中熵的变化,我们会发现这个量是正的。)
- 4、He'll nevercalculate faster, never drive better, or even fly more safely.(他计算速度永远不会变得更快,驾驶技术永远不会变得更好,甚至飞行过程也不会变得更安全。)
- 5、When all those factors are put together and the economistscalculate the numbers, it ends up being a net positive, but a small one.(当所有这些因素放在一起,并且由经济学家计算得出这些数字时,它最终的净值是正数,但只是一个很小的数。)
- 6、From this you cancalculate the total mass in the Galaxy.(据此,你可以计算出银河系的总质量。)
- 7、Shannon showed how tocalculate this limit, opening the way to the design of compression methods that cram maximum information into the minimum space.(香农展示了如何计算这个限度,这为设计压缩方法将最多的信息填入最小的空间开辟了道路。)
- 8、Engineerscalculate the strains and stresses on a bridge.(工程师们计算桥梁的应变和应力。)
- 9、Raff's team went on tocalculate the likelihood of it happening.(拉夫的团队继续计算它发生的可能性。)
- 10、In the nineteenth century, scientists made a number of important, but unsuccessful attempts tocalculate Earth's age from the record of various natural processes.(19世纪,科学家们做了许多重要的尝试,希望通过各种自然过程的记录来计算地球的年龄,但都未能成功。)
- 11、No-one had found a way tocalculate accurate distances to the planets from the Earth.(还没有人找到方法来计算从地球到行星的精确距离。)
- 12、That, theycalculate, would add 5.7 metres to the braking distance of a car travelling at 100kph.(根据他们的计算,这将使以每小时100公里行驶的汽车的刹车距离增加5。7米。)
- 13、Keyssar rightly understands that a better way to measure the impact of unemployment is tocalculate unemployment frequencies.(Keyssar正确地认识到,衡量失业影响的更好的方法是计算失业频率。)
- 14、Such courses, Hacker argues, are a remedy for the numerical illiteracy of adults who have completed high-level math like algebra but are unable tocalculate the price of a carpet by area.(哈克认为,这样的课程可以弥补成年人在数字方面的盲点,这些人已经完成了像代数这样的高级数学,但却无法按面积计算出一块地毯的价格。)
- 15、One recent study attempted tocalculate the extent of this "ecological overshoot of the human economy".(最近的一项研究试图对这种“人类经济的生态透支”的程度进行计算。)
- 16、You'll need tocalculate how much time the assignment will take.(你需要算一算要花多少时间才能完成分配的任务。)
- 17、I cancalculate that for you.(我可以为你们计算那个。)
- 18、Ever since people had begun to catalog the strata in particular outcrops, there had been the hope that these could somehow be used tocalculate geological time.("从人们开始对地表的特殊岩层进行编目和分类时起,大家就开始期望能够以某种方式利用这些岩层来计算地质年代。)
- 19、Knowing the width of Earth's orbit, the parallax shift lets astronomerscalculate the distance.(知道了地球轨道的宽度,视差偏移可以让天文学家计算距离。)
- 20、Kevin Kelly once explained how tocalculate the date of death.(凯文·凯利曾经解释过如何计算死亡的日期。)
- 21、The satellite enables us tocalculate their precise location anywhere in the world.(这颗卫星使得我们可以计算他们在地球上的任何准确位置。)
- 22、Before we do the test, we're going tocalculate what we would predict, so when we do the demo it will be meaningful.(在我们做测试之前,我们先算一下我们能预知什么,这样在进行演示时会是有意义的。)
- 23、Conservationistscalculate that hundreds of species could be lost in this area.(自然资源保护主义者预测,数以百计的物种可能会从这个地区消失。)
- 24、All this was used tocalculate what percentage of time people spent in an unpleasant state.(所有这些都被用来计算人们处于不快乐状态的时间比例是多少。)
- 25、They sighted each pole, reading off measurements that were then used tocalculate the change in elevation over each increment.(他们瞄准了每个极点,读出测量值,然后用这些测量值来计算每个增量上的海拔变化。)
- 26、This formula is used tocalculate the area of a circle.(这个公式用于计算圆的面积。)
- 27、Attempts were made tocalculate Earth's age from the thickness of surviving sedimentary rock and from the current level of the oceans' salinity.(人们曾试图根据现存沉积岩的厚度和目前海洋的盐度水平来计算地球的年龄。) hAo86.com
- 28、You know how tocalculate it.(你们知道怎么计算它。)
- 29、Mathematical models that allow us tocalculate the rise in temperature as a function of the increase indicate that the answer is probably yes.(数学模型允许我们计算温度的上升作为上升的函数,结果表明答案可能是肯定的。)
- 30、The rats arrived along with the settlers, and in just a few years, Hunt and Lipocalculate, they would have overrun the island.(随着定居者的到来,老鼠也来到了这座岛。亨特和利普计算,仅用几年的时间,老鼠就会在这座岛上泛滥。)