


更新时间:2024-06-24 01:35:34

  • 1、Yet now even Mr Thaksin felt obliged toprofess again his loyalty to the king, and to pay homage to his power.(但是现在即使是他信本人也感到有必要再次宣称对国王的忠诚,并向王权致敬。)
  • 2、Yet it is admirable toprofess because it was once admirable to live.(然而教授是可羡的,因为教授的生活是可羡的。)
  • 3、I don'tprofess myself to be an expert on that subject.(我不自认为是那个问题的专家。)
  • 4、Not to mention the great many whoprofess a total disinterest in the election, seeing it as a futile exercise.(更不用说那些认为整个选举毫无意义的人,他们视之为无用的训练。)
  • 5、Whether for this reason or from conviction, mostprofess themselves unfazed by the prospect of a failure to raise the debt ceiling.(不管是出于这一考虑,还是出于信仰,他们中的大多数人声称并不担忧无法提高债务上限这一前景。)
  • 6、Iprofess myself the weak and bumble servant of God, to whom I address my prayers and look for victory and triumph, and whom I adore.(我对那些我祈祷和崇拜的人,自称是上帝面前软弱且犯过错的仆人,追寻着胜利和成功。)
  • 7、It is a commonplace to compare philosophical theories and the behavior of those whoprofess them.(比较哲学理论和信仰哲学的人们的行为的话,你会发现这一点司空见惯。)
  • 8、There’s no greater threat to religious people than toprofess your desire to think for yourself.(对于教徒来说最大的威胁莫过于声称你想要自己思考。)
  • 9、The very thing he wouldprofess to hate about my way of looking at things.(这些正是我看待事情的方法,也是他声称他痛恨的东西。)
  • 10、He concluded ruefully that it was "arrogant and rash" toprofess virtues that you cannot live up to, and retreated into indolent seclusion.(他懊悔地总结道,宣称自己信奉不能修行到的美德是非常“自傲和轻率的”。最终,他选择隐居,不理世事。)
  • 11、Anyone given a computer canprofess their views and expound upon the themes that really matter to them.(任何一个人拥有一台电脑就可以表达他们的观点,讨论与他们有关的任何话题。)
  • 12、Manyprofess to have supreme knowledge because, thereby, they will easily earn their livelihood.(很多都表示拥有至高无尚的知识,因为这样他们就可以很容易地找到生计。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 13、Boys arriving in the workplace willprofess themselves confident after the first hour.(刚进入职场的男孩仅用一小时,就会展现出自己的自信。)
  • 14、Managersprofess a higher tolerance for unmitigated risk than their audit counterparts.(管理者对风险的容忍程度要高过相应的审计工作。)
  • 15、Iprofess that the idea is new to me.(我承认这个概念对我而言是新颖的。)
  • 16、I don'tprofess to know anything about poetry.(我不认为对诗有什么了解。)
  • 17、I came here with no expectations, only toprofess now that I am at liberty to do so, that my heart is and always will be yours.(我来到那里,没有抱任何等待,只是告诉你我有自由那么道:我的内心只属于你,永久属于你。)
  • 18、Iprofess that I was surprised at the news.(我承认这个消息使我感到惊奇。)
  • 19、I don'tprofess to have all the answers, but the answer for me has been fairly simple.(我并没有这些问题的答案,但是对我来说,答案一直很简单。)
  • 20、Why do organizationsprofess that they care?(为什么一些组织声称他们关心呢?)
  • 21、I don'tprofess to be an expert in this subject.(我不敢自诩为这方面的专家。)
  • 22、Those learned intellectual historians allprofess literature.(那些博学多识的历史学家都教授文学。)
  • 23、Iprofess, on my conscience and character, that I am utterly bewildered as touching the purport of your words!(老实讲,以我的良心和人格担保,我对您这番话的含义实在莫名其妙!)
  • 24、He and Mr Gormanprofess to get on well, however.(但是,他和戈尔曼先生承认相处的很好。)
  • 25、It is what youprofess. Well, the thesis is also, another way to think of it, an answer to a question.(它就是你要表达的东西,这个论文也是,另一种思考它的方式,关于一个问题的答案。)
  • 26、And then will Iprofess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.(我就明明的告诉他们说,我从来不认识你们,你们这些作恶的人,离开我去吧。)
  • 27、He achieves a knowledge without illusions which negates everything theyprofess.(他已经获得一种无需幻想的知识,这种知识否认上帝之臣民所宣扬的一切。)


英 [prəˈfes] 美 [prəˈfɛs, pro-] 

副词: professedly 过去式: professed 过去分词: professed 现在分词: professing 第三人称单数: professes

v. 声称; 冒称; 以 ... 为业; 正式接受入教; 表明信仰
