- 1、To celebrate the return of herprodigal daughters Nature has laid out a profusion of flowers.(为了庆祝她那些放浪形骸的女儿们的归来,大自然铺开大片大片的花海。)
- 2、Be a clean person. Is not aprodigal son. Not a lover.(做一个干净的人。不是浪子。不是情人。)
- 3、I've had many names throughout the millennia, Youngprodigal.(我在这许多个千年里有太多的名字了,年轻的浪子。)
- 4、A miserly father makes aprodigal son.(有吝啬的父亲就有败家的儿子。。)
- 5、Aprodigal son go with the sun is the general, but he was not the si ame as the solar cycle.(一个浪子所走的路是跟日头一般的,可是他其实不象日头一样循环往复。)
- 6、Theeprodigal roommate revealed.(浪子室友显真面目了。)
- 7、prodigal ah! Short-ah! No vision ah!(败家啊!短视啊!没远见啊!)
- 8、Yetprodigal Inward joy. Behold, I erred; In that last doubt! and yet I cannot rue.(看哪,我这最后的疑虑是错了!;可是我不能只埋怨自己,你想。)
- 9、This 1000 much moreprodigal, what to leave?(这个1000多万挥霍了,留下了什么?)
- 10、And I resolv'd that I would, like a true repentingprodigal, go home to my Father.(我决心,我要像一个真正回头的浪子,回到家里,回到我父亲的身边。)
- 11、He pulled James Kitfield's bookprodigal Soldiers from his bookshelf and encouraged me to read it.(他从自己的书架上拿下詹姆斯·其特菲尔德的书《浪子士兵prodigalSoldiers》怂恿我读。) hao86.com
- 12、All the family went to the airport to welcome home theprodigal son.(全家人都去机场迎接这个回头浪子。)
- 13、prodigal only one meter six, she was touted as nothing to boast about.(浪子才一米六,她却吹嘘成其貌不扬。)
- 14、The damage is done. Theprodigal son is too late.(造成了损害。浪子回头已经太迟。)
- 15、Our manager has a mindprodigal of ideas.(我们经理的脑子里点子很多。)
- 16、Thisprodigal mood does not extinguish heR growing sense of the need for economy.(这种挥金如土的心情并未能完全消除她应该节省的感觉。)
- 17、He isprodigal of praise.(他不吝于赞美。)
- 18、Theprodigal had returned.(浪子已经回头了。)
- 19、B miserly father makes aprodigal son.(有吝啬的爸爸必有败家之子。)
- 20、The film tells an ideal story of friendship and return ofprodigal people.(影片讲述的友谊和浪子人返回理想的故事。)