


更新时间:2024-06-24 01:35:25

  • 1、Kamal Khan, 25, who is unemployed, said the official story "looksfishy to me."(卡马尔·可汗是一个25岁的无业游民,他说官方说法“在我看来太可疑了”。)
  • 2、Visitors to this concert might well have thought somethingfishy was going on when they saw the musicians put on their wet suits.(来看这场音乐会的观众看到音乐家门穿上他们的潜水服,他们很可能会认为某种可疑的事正在进行中。)
  • 3、And, yes, she's looking down — but with afishy eye.(而且,是的,她正在俯视这个世界——不过是通过鱼一样的眼睛。)
  • 4、My shirt smellsfishy and I'm wearing filthy socks.(现在我的衬衣闻起来都有股鱼腥味,袜子也脏死了。)
  • 5、Something'sfishy.(他感到有些事情不对劲。)
  • 6、I don't believe in ghosts, but there must be somethingfishy going on.(我可不信有鬼,但肯定有什么可疑的东西。)
  • 7、A very important fact to remember is that even though it is seafood, it should not have afishy smell to it.(还有就是我们必须要确定的一点就是,即使它是海产品,但是它问起来也不应该有强烈的鱼腥味。)
  • 8、This isn't afishy tale!(这不是一个可疑的故事!)
  • 9、This looksfishy.(这看起来是有点不对头。)
  • 10、There're a lot offishy things going around.(有很多可疑的事情在发生。)
  • 11、There seems to be somethingfishy going on.(好像有可疑的事情发生。)
  • 12、Why mate with a second-class beau who cannot be bothered to bring you thefishy equivalent of roses and diamonds?(为何要和那些懒得为你献上玫瑰与钻石可疑的等价物的二等男友配对呢?)
  • 13、There's somethingfishy going on here.(这儿有点不大对头。)
  • 14、Ron: No, but I’m gonna call the cops, because there’s somethingfishy going on around here.(不,但我要叫警察。现在发生的事很可疑。)
  • 15、Other side effects of fish oil may befishy burps or afishy aftertaste.(鱼油的其他副作用可能来自于其腥臭的气味和回味。)
  • 16、What's thatfishy smell?(那是什么腥味?)
  • 17、Everyone hated it, of course. They emerged from cinemas smelling offishy roses.(毫无疑问,每个人都讨厌这玩意儿,因为它们充斥影院,闻起来就像是鱼腥味玫瑰。)
  • 18、It had stunk for several days, and at first, I'd thought I was imagining thefishy odor, but it had become more pronounced.(几天来,一直都有臭味,起先,我以为那股鱼腥味是我的幻觉,可是味道越来越明显。)
  • 19、This is the story given by Tom. I don't believe it, for that story soundsfishy.(所以呢,可以表明这个故事有点可疑(Thatstorysoundsfishy),结果到底是什么样子呢?)
  • 20、There's somethingfishy about it.(这事很跷蹊。)
  • 21、You're hit by afishy smell when you walk in, and you quickly see why: Jacuzzi-sized tanks, filled with tilapia.(你一跨入实验室就会闻到浓烈的鱼腥味,你肯定会快速环顾四周:噢!浴缸大小的鱼缸里,满是罗非鱼。)
  • 22、Trimethylamine is the chemical that produces the 'fishy' smell we all recognise.(三甲胺是产生我们都能闻得出来的那股腥味的化学物质。)
  • 23、Afishy Philosophy?(鱼的哲学?)
  • 24、Women feel embarrassed if they smellfishy and worry if their boyfriend will still want to go down on them.(女性会为那里的鱼腥味而感到尴尬,担心她们的男友不会因此而继续下去。)
  • 25、Afishy odor insinuated itself into the scents of fir, baked cookies, and homemade eggnog that filled our flat.(鱼腥味渐渐与充满我们公寓的杉木、烤饼干和家里做的蛋酒的味道混在一起。)
  • 26、I didn't trust thefishy smile of the salesman when he avoided answering some of my questions.(当推销员在回避回答我的一些问题时,我不相信他脸上那可疑的微笑。)
  • 27、The whole thing smellsfishy to me.(对我而言,整个事件是值得怀疑的。)


英 [ˈfɪʃi] 美 [ˈfɪʃi] 

副词: fishily 比较级: fishier 最高级: fishiest 名词: fishiness

