


更新时间:2025-03-02 22:25:04

  • 1、The float container will expand toencompass all interior float elements.(浮动容器会被扩大以包含所有内部的浮动元素。)
  • 2、If you can trulyencompass these 5 qualities, women will prospect you by default.(如果你能真的拥有这5中品质,女人会默认(theone)就是你了。)
  • 3、These offerings eventually expanded toencompass sophisticated libraries for communications and key functions.(这些库最终被扩展到围绕通讯和关键功能的实现上。)
  • 4、In the most complex cases traceability canencompass the bulk of the work products produced by the process.(大部分复杂情况下,追踪性都能包含由过程产生的大量工作产品。)
  • 5、It inherits the layered approach in that layers canencompass one or more service components.(它继承了分层的方法,因为层可以囊括一个或多?个服务组件。)
  • 6、The project willencompass rural and underdeveloped areas in China.(这项工程将覆盖中国的农村和不发达地区。)
  • 7、Right now it's a smartphone thing, which will soonencompass the tablet and netbook.(现在是智能手机的领域,之后很快会进阶到平板电脑和上网本领域。)
  • 8、A project mayencompass one or more applications, and it may span one or more releases.(一个项目可能包括一个或者更多的应用软件,也可能跨越一个或者更多的发布。)
  • 9、There are further restrictions on the valid range of UTF-8 code points that XML canencompass.(对于XML可以包含的合法utf-8代码点还有更多的限制。)
  • 10、Technical patterns - Theseencompass transactions, security, and other infrastructure elements.(技术模式——包括事务、安全性和其他基础结构元素。)
  • 11、AN MBAN wouldencompass a radius of about one meter, so it could use a much smaller battery.(MBAN覆盖半径一米左右的范围,因此它使用的电池可以小不少。)
  • 12、We'd love to see the site grow toencompass all verticals of consumer products.(我们也非常愿意看到这个站点能将所有类别的消费产品囊括进来。)
  • 13、This allows a transaction toencompass the action of an ME that spans two components.(这让事务可以包含跨两个组件的ME动作。)
  • 14、Our successful dimensions usuallyencompass the things we spend the most time doing.(我们成功的大小通常是看我们花了多少时间。)
  • 15、Typical workflows for this approachencompass analysis and design, leaving code to be written manually.(此方法的典型工作流围绕着分析和设计,将代码留待手工编写。)
  • 16、The hand tool additionsencompass everything from tubing cutters to nut drivers.(手工具添加包含从油管刀具到螺母驱动器的所有工具。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 17、Business processes typicallyencompass multiple service invocations.(业务流程通常包括多个业务调用。)
  • 18、For example, it mightencompass a relational database, flat files, or even XML documents.(例如,它可能包含有关系数据库、平面文件或者甚至有XML文档。)
  • 19、They built a moat toencompass the castle.(他们在城堡周围修了一条护城河。)
  • 20、This can potentiallyencompass thousands of schemas and tables and millions of columns from differing databases and files.(这可能包含数千个模式和表,以及数百万个来自不同数据库和文件的列。)
  • 21、Solutionsencompass all forms, scripts, and data-modeling elements for a single application.(解决方案涵盖单个应用程序的所有表单、脚本和数据建模元素。)
  • 22、If found in our own solar system its diameter would almostencompass the orbit of Jupiter.(如果把它放到我们的太阳系中,参宿四的直径几乎可以环绕木星轨道一周。)
  • 23、It is only when you open a valid file that the window resizes toencompass the main region declared in the file.(只有当您打开一个有效文件时,窗口才会调整大小以包含文件中所声明的主区域。)
  • 24、The DICCE contracts potentiallyencompass more than 270 sites in 30 countries.(根据DICCE合同将有可能覆盖30个国家超过270个地点。)
  • 25、It extends beyond programming toencompass the entire software development process.(它不仅是编程,还扩展至包括整个软件开发过程。)
  • 26、Improved and enlarged toencompass the continent, the big machine works on its subjects continuously, day and night.(因为性能更好、更大,甚至能包含整个陆地的威格昂无论白昼与夜晚不停地在你身边工作。)
  • 27、And this list doesn't evenencompass what I don't know about gardening.(这还没算我压根就不懂园艺。)


英 [ɪnˈkʌmpəs] 美 [ɛnˈkʌmpəs] 

名词: encompassment 过去式: encompassed 过去分词: encompassed 现在分词: encompassing 第三人称单数: encompasses

