


更新时间:2024-08-28 01:43:20

  • 1、God, who atsundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets.(神既在古时借着众先知,多次多方的晓谕列祖。)
  • 2、Thesesundry calamities in the West have provided Asian commentators with an unmissable chance to unveil Western hypocrisy.(这些发生在西方社会的灾难为亚洲评论员提供了一个不容错过的良机来揭露西方社会的虚伪。)
  • 3、The club is open to all andsundry.(这个俱乐部什么人都可以加入。)
  • 4、She was known to all andsundry as Bella.(人人都叫她贝拉。)
  • 5、Don't litter,sundry.(不乱扔垃圾,杂物。)
  • 6、All the same, it is safest in this climate to bestow smiles on all andsundry.(尽管如此,在这种大环境下,对所有人赠予微笑是最保险的。)
  • 7、On Sundays, the usually desolate park sprouted with stands, selling food andsundry goods.(平时空荡荡的公园,星期日摆满了小摊,出售各种食品和杂物。)
  • 8、sundry other cousins. They exchange hugs with him.(一些其他的表亲,他们轮着拥抱了他。)
  • 9、Stools wicker mats food bowls andsundry other objects.(木凳、柳条席、碗碟和各式各样的其他物品。)
  • 10、It also supports the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern and plays nicely with various andsundry database drivers for data access.(它还支持Model-View-Controller(MVC)模式,很好地兼容用于数据访问的各种数据库驱动程序。)
  • 11、I made tea for all andsundry at the office.(我为该办公室里的每个人沏了茶。)
  • 12、Master Bates backed this advice withsundry moral admonitions of his own: which, being exhausted, he and his friend Mr.(贝兹少爷把自己在道德方面的种种信条都搬了出来,全力支持这一提议。)
  • 13、They were spreading out over the mat roofs tattered quilts andsundry other rags, which serve them for beds, in order to sun and air them.(他们正在竹棚顶的席子上摊开他们的被褥以及各式各样用以铺床的破布,让它们晒晒太阳吹吹风。)
  • 14、Record attendance and assist to maintain and manage the office equipments andsundry goods.(统计员工考勤,并协助完成办公用品与杂物的维护和管理。)
  • 15、Therefore, on the market thesundry keep warm the supplies walk naturally Qiao get no go.(因此,市面上各式各样的取暖用品自然走俏得不行。)
  • 16、We lumped all these items together under the heading "sundry expenses".(我们这些费用一并归入“杂费”项下。)
  • 17、Norton pockets the envelopes. Andy crosses to the wall safe and shoves the ledger andsundry files inside.(诺顿把信封装到兜里,安迪走到墙上的保险柜那儿,把账薄和相关文件放进去。)
  • 18、Scientists, business people, andsundry others gathered on Monday for the official opening.(科学家、商人和其他各类人士星期一聚集一起参加官方的开幕式。)
  • 19、Clean sand requirement, there should be no sawdust, stones and othersundry, particle size between 1 ~ 2 mm, Fried dry before use.(砂粒要求洁净,不应有木屑、石块等杂物,粒径在1~2毫米之间,使用前要炒干。)
  • 20、The total balance of the purchases ledger will give the total of thesundry creditors.(采购分类账的总余额将给出各种债权人的总数。)
  • 21、Here, can enjoy thesundry product that be not involuntary discharge of urine.(在这里,可以欣赏到各式各样的非遗产品。)
  • 22、The pigeon to hair and viscera wash,sundry, put in the pot, add water and medlar altogether when a salt stew.(将乳鸽去毛及内脏杂物,洗净,放入锅内加水与枸杞共炖,熟时加盐少许。)
  • 23、We defray this charge when you pay yoursundry fees bill.(在您付杂费的同时我们要支付这笔费用。)
  • 24、Jittery notebook keyboards/track pad/sundry rodents weren't mentioned at all.(至于笔记本键盘/轨迹板/各种各样的问题根本就没有提到。)
  • 25、They prepared rice, flour andsundry other items of food for the poor.(他们为穷人准备了米,面及其它各种食物。)
  • 26、He was also one of those with an inordinate capacity for extracting enjoyment from all andsundry.(他也属于那类对从各式各样的事物中得到最大程度的快乐有超强能力的人。)


英 [ˈsʌndri] 美 [ˈsʌndri] 


