好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的not to say的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了27条not to say的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了not to say的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、This isnot to say that he is bland.(这并不是说他是平淡乏味的。)
- 2、This isnot to say that all is well.(但这并不是说天下太平。)
- 3、He made up his mindnot to say a word.(他打定主意一句话也不说。)
- 4、You expect menot to say offensive things to you.(你们期待我不要说一些冒犯你们的话。)
- 5、She warned menot to say anything to upset him.(她警告我不要说任何让他心烦的话。) [hao86.com好工具]
- 6、This isnot to say that the procedure employed in studies of discriminative learning will be quite without effect.(这并不是说在判别学习的研究中所采用的方法将完全没有效果。)
- 7、That'snot to say parents should ignore homework—first, they should monitor how much homework their kids have.(这并不是说父母应该忽略家庭作业——首先,他们应该检查孩子有多少家庭作业。)
- 8、She solemnly promisednot to say a word to anyone about it.(她郑重承诺不向任何人透露一个字。)
- 9、You'renot to say that!(不要这样说!)
- 10、My point here isnot to say, oh, you idiot, Plato, why didn't you think of radio waves?(我这里不是想说,你真傻,柏拉图,你为什么没想到无线电波呢?)
- 11、That'snot to say that the outcome of the San Bernardino case is insignificant.(这并不是说圣贝纳迪诺案的结果不重要。)
- 12、She deemed it prudentnot to say anything.(她认为什么都不说是明智的。)
- 13、On the other hand, this isnot to say money and effort shouldn‘t be spent on humans.(另一方面,这并不是说金钱和努力不应该花在人类身上。)
- 14、This isnot to say that nothing can be done.(这并不是说我们无事可做。)
- 15、I found the whole story bizarre,not to say unbelievable.(我觉得整个事件经过荒诞不经,更不用说不可信了。)
- 16、This isnot to say that Israel is blameless.(这并不是说以色列没有错。)
- 17、That'snot to say that it doesn't pollute.(但不能说它没有污染。)
- 18、That isnot to say he is a pushover.(但这并不是说他是一个软弱的人。)
- 19、This isnot to say that we would not have been compatible if we had first met in our freshman year.(这并不是说,如果我们在大一第一次见面,我们就不会和睦相处。)
- 20、That'snot to say meeting people won't help.(这不是说与人交往没有好处。)
- 21、If I tell you, you have to swearnot to say anything to anyone.(如果我告诉你,你一定要发誓不能告诉任何人任何事。)
- 22、That isnot to say that growth cannot resume.(这不是说增长不能恢复。)
- 23、That’snot to say they don’t have some regrets.(但并不表示他们没有”一些”遗憾.)
- 24、That'snot to say there isn't any good new Jazz music being made out there anymore.(这并不是指不再有新的爵士乐出现。)
- 25、That'snot to say you don't have great ideas.(这并不是说您没有非常好的想法。)
- 26、It is the melodious drama of ancient Greek theater, the term "melodious drama" being shortened eventually to "melodrama" because operas frequently are melodramatic,not to say unrealistic.(它是富有优美声调的一段戏剧,源自古希腊剧院。“声调优美的戏剧”这个表达最终被简化成了“情节剧”,因为歌剧往往是音乐性的,而且有戏剧情节的,甚至是超现实的。)
- 27、While the influence of luck cannot be ignored, this isnot to say that one should depend on it and ignore the value of hard work.(虽然不能忽略运气的因素,但这并不是说人应该依赖运气而忽视努力的价值。)