- 1、A full listing of the companies will be publishedquarterly.(公司名录大全每季度出版一次。)
- 2、Finland's Nokia lowered itsquarterly earnings guidance.(芬兰的诺基亚降低它的季度收入指导。)
- 3、quarterly review (New).(季度回顾(新)。)
- 4、We track revenue, cost, and gross profit metrics against monthly,quarterly, and yearly targets and show them side by side with the carbon footprint data.(我们根据每月、每季度和每年的目标跟踪收入、成本和总利润,并将它们和碳轨迹数据一并显示。)
- 5、The amount does not even cover its lastquarterly loss.(这个数目甚至不抵它最后一个季度的亏损。)
- 6、Thequarterly magazine is a periodical published every three months.(季刊是每3个月出版一次的期刊。)
- 7、It makes no difference whether dividends are paidquarterly or annually.(红利是按季度还是按年度支付没有区别。)
- 8、Thequarterly: Could you talk a bit about your board?(麦肯锡季刊:能不能谈谈董事会?)
- 9、Clients normally pay fees in advance, monthly,quarterly, or yearly.(客户们通常提前付费,或按月,或按季度,或按年。)
- 10、Thequarterly earnings season for big Banks got under way.(各大银行的季度盈利一路走高。)
- 11、Several car companies reported grimquarterly earnings Numbers.(几个汽车公司公布了严峻的季度收益数据。)
- 12、Much of the data isquarterly.(大部分数据按季度编制。) [hao86.com好工具]
- 13、Analysts had expected a smallquarterly loss.(分析师此前预计第二季度会略有亏损。)
- 14、Maybe I ought to subscribe to the Engineeringquarterly.(也许我应该订阅《工程季刊》。)
- 15、A company might announce a string of greatquarterly earnings.(公司可能会公布一系列非常棒的季度收益。)
- 16、Thequarterly review is different.(季度回顾不同。)
- 17、System Configuration Management -quarterly(系统配置管理–每季度)
- 18、Update Documentation -quarterly.(更新文档—没季度。)
- 19、The young girl had received herquarterly income.(这姑娘领到了一个季度的利息。)
- 20、The publications are similar to "A&Fquarterly", a racy magalog also produced by Weber.(这些出版物类似于韦伯出版的《A&F季刊》,这是一本生动活泼的杂志。)
- 21、The organization now has around 18,000 members who receive aquarterly newsletter.(该组织目前约有18000名会员收到内部通讯季刊。)
- 22、quarterly]Plan B for global warming?(解决全球变暖问题:B计划?)
- 23、Transient investors, who demand highquarterly profits from companies, can hinder a firm's efforts to invest in long-term research or to build up customer loyalty.(短期投资者要求公司季度利润高,这可能会阻碍公司投资于长期研究或建立客户忠诚度的努力。)
- 24、Cisco Systems reported a drop inquarterly profit.(思科系统公司公布它第二季度的利润呈现下滑。)
- 25、Thequarterly had been a forum for sound academic debate.(这份季刊曾经是正统学术辩论的论坛。)
- 26、Theirquarterly meetings were anodyne affairs.(他们的季度会议是平淡乏味的事情。)