


更新时间:2024-08-28 01:41:45

  • 1、A fine?mandatory community service?(罚款?做强制性的社区义工?)
  • 2、Some specialized securities possessmandatory redemption features.(一些专业证券具有强制赎回的特征。)
  • 3、As formandatory retirement, Taylor seems to forget that this was not abolished by the universities, which would love to bring it back.(对于强制性退休,泰勒似乎忘记了这并不是由大学废除的,各个大学是希望恢复这个制度的。)
  • 4、Is this amandatory or voluntary pay cut?(这次减薪是强制的还是自愿的?)
  • 5、It is a form ofmandatory access control.(它是强制访问控制的一种形式。)
  • 6、The other ismandatory testing.(而另一种则是强制检测。)
  • 7、The offence carries amandatory life sentence.(这种罪行依照法律要判无期徒刑。)
  • 8、The school administration has decided to make itmandatory for each student to volunteer at least 40 hours per year.(学校管理部门已经决定强制要求每个学生每年至少志愿服务40个小时。)
  • 9、Not all these interfaces aremandatory.(并非所有这些接口都是强制的。)
  • 10、It ismandatory for blood banks to test all donated blood for the virus.(血库必须检查所有捐献的血是否含有这种病毒。)
  • 11、Not all the parts aremandatory.(这些部分并不都是必需的。)
  • 12、An effective andmandatory program sponsored by the high school is the only solution to this serious problem.(由高中主办的的有效的强制性项目是解决这一严重问题的唯一办法。)
  • 13、This property ismandatory.(该属性是强制的。)
  • 14、In a case of premeditated murder a life sentence ismandatory.(蓄意杀人依法必须判终生监禁。)
  • 15、I think thatmandatory voting is a no-braine and dumb idea.(我认为强制投票这事是一个无脑的,极其愚蠢的想法。)
  • 16、He was married, and that wasmandatory.(他结婚了,这是强制性的。)
  • 17、But achieving them ismandatory.(但是实现它们是必须的。)
  • 18、The cycles are periodic andmandatory.(循环是阶段性和强制性的。)
  • 19、This ismandatory.(这是强制性的。)
  • 20、He saidmandatory evacuations could be carried out along the coastline from Mossman down to Cardwell.(他说可能会从莫斯曼地区至卡德尔地区进行强制性疏散。)
  • 21、This attribute ismandatory.(这个属性是必需的。)
  • 22、This raises the need for a global system of checks and balances, formandatory rules and constraints in our dealings with nature.(这就需要建立一个全球性的检查和制衡体系,在我们与自然打交道时制定强制性的规则和约束。)
  • 23、Absolutelymandatory!(绝对强制性的!) 【好工具】
  • 24、This isn't surprising, considering the basicmandatory high school curriculum leaves students with a poor understanding of the vast academic possibilities that await them in college.(考虑到学生们因为高中的基本必修课程,而对大学里等待他们的广阔学术前景缺乏了解,这并不奇怪。)
  • 25、It is notmandatory.(这不是强制的。)
  • 26、The school administration has decided to make itmandatory for each student to volunteer at least 40 hours per year to one of the town's many volunteer programs.(学校管理部门已经决定强制要求每个学生每年参加该镇众多志愿者项目的其中一个,志愿工作时长至少要达到40个小时。)
  • 27、mandatory evacuations could be carried out from Mossman down to Cardwell.(从莫斯曼地区至卡德维尔地区进行强制性疏散。)
  • 28、Consider the potential perks of a career in teaching:a pet gerbil in your office, and amandatory recess every day.(试想一下做老师的潜在特殊待遇:在办公室里养一只沙鼠做宠物,每天享受强制性的休息时间。)
  • 29、It's notmandatory.(这并不是强制性的。)


英 [ˈmændətəri] 美 [ˈmændətɔ:ri] 

名词复数: mandatories


