- 1、At last hesicken of wait for her, and go away.(最后他等她等得不耐烦便走了。)
- 2、Their business methodssicken me.(我最不会做生意。)
- 3、The animal began tosicken and soon died.(这只动物患了病很快就死了。)
- 4、Textual said: "a start with male skinsicken, who is clean, hot soup to heal;"(扁鹊说:“一开始桓公皮肤患病,用汤药清洗、火热灸敷容易治愈;)
- 5、The coastal population began tosicken.(沿海的索马里人开始生病。)
- 6、Major radiation exposuressicken, and typically kill, victims by inflicting damage on the bone marrow and the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.(辐射照射导致的主要疾病,包括死亡、造成受害者骨髓和胃肠道(gi)道的损害。)
- 7、At first, when the poor beast began tosicken, we Tiger cubs set up a great roaring and ranting.(可怜的猛兽患病之初,我们这些虎崽子暴怒着,咆哮着。)
- 8、When thesicken child feel into asleep, the mother slipped in.(生病的孩子睡着后,他妈妈蹑手蹑脚进来了。)
- 9、The strokesicken imposed heavy economic burden on the families.(脑卒中患病使家庭背负了沉重的经济负担。)
- 10、Theysicken, and they grow feeble with age, and, finally, they die, just as we do.(它们会生病,它们会随着年龄的增长慢慢长大,最后,它们会慢慢老去,就像我们一样。)
- 11、After thirty, even a sight of shabby and sordid taxi maysicken me. Ok!(三十岁之后,看见破旧肮脏的出租车都心烦,拜托!)
- 12、Odours, when violetssicken.(紫罗兰凋谢,香气犹存。)
- 13、Theysicken of the calm, who knew the storm.(熟知风暴的人,厌恶宁静。——桃乐西·派克。)
- 14、Want to maintain an order, the operation excisessicken viscera, reach hospital of department of gynaecology.(要想保命,手术切除患病脏器,到妇科医院。)
- 15、However, sometimes the virus cansicken humans.(但是有时病毒可以使人患病。)
- 16、If the drug not pregnantsicken, as long as medicinal proper, appropriate, also can ensure dose mother and baby's safety.(如果孕妇患病非用药不可,只要药性得当,剂量适度,也可以保证母亲和胎儿的安全。)
- 17、The dog began tosicken and soon died.(这只狗开始生病并且很快就死了。) haO86.com
- 18、No, we neversicken with love twice.(不,我们从未对爱厌恶。)
- 19、Theysicken and die.(它们生病而死亡。)
- 20、But the milk is full of white blood cells thatsicken thicken and make the milk go bad more quickly.(但是牛奶中含有白血球会使牛奶变厚或使牛奶更快变质。)
- 21、When they saw that I did notsicken they grew afraid.(当他们见到我安然无恙的时候,便开始害怕了。)
- 22、The plants and flowerssicken in the autumn.(在秋天花草都枯萎了。)
- 23、Viruses, bacteria and other organisms in dirty watersicken hundreds of millions of people every year.(脏水中的病毒,细菌和其他有机物每年使得亿万人患病。)
- 24、sicken udder number only one.(但患病乳区以一个为主。)