- 1、The starssparkle in the dark sky.(夜晚的天空上星星闪闪发光。)
- 2、There was asparkle of excitement in her eyes.(她眼里闪耀着激动的光芒。)
- 3、Take advantage of precious opportunities while they stillsparkle before you.(当它在你面前闪耀时,抓住这宝贵的机会。)
- 4、But for home lighting they have failed tosparkle.(但对于家庭来说,它的照明度却不能让人满意。)
- 5、There was littlesparkle in their performance.(他们的表演平庸而了无生气。)
- 6、Baghdad's relative calm has lentsparkle to the city's social scene-especially for the wealthy.(巴格达现在相对的平静安稳为其社交场合的兴盛推波助澜,尤其是对富人来说。)
- 7、Both will reduce redness, soothe the eyes, and addsparkle!(这两种方法都可以减轻眼睛发红,缓解眼疲劳,同时使您的明眸更加闪亮!)
- 8、He wanted all to lie in an ecstasy of peace; I wanted all tosparkle and dance in a glorious jubilee.(他希望一切都处在一种宁静的狂喜之中;我想让一切都在辉煌的庆典中闪闪发光,翩翩起舞。)
- 9、Then there was a sequel to Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls which didn’t quite recapture thesparkle of the original.(然后是《艾丝·温图拉》续集:《当自然召唤时》,该片未能再现原著的精华。)
- 10、Firefliessparkle in the gloom.(萤火虫在黑暗中闪闪发光。)
- 11、we do not own the freshness of the air and thesparkle of the water,how can you buy them?(若空气失去了新鲜,流水失去了光泽,你怎能把他们买下?)
- 12、Already the stars have lost some of theirsparkle, and a dull, leaden mist 21 skirts the horizon.(星光已经不这么闪烁光亮,地平线上面笼罩着一层昏昏的铅状的薄雾。)
- 13、There is plenty of fizz andsparkle in the show.(演出精彩,妙趣横生。)
- 14、In today's sharpsparkle, this winter air, anything can be made, any sentence begun.(在今天的耀眼闪光中,在这个冬天的空气中,一切皆可造就,一切从此开始。)
- 15、I love great icons and cute icons can really add depth andsparkle to a otherwise bland design.(我喜欢好的图标,可爱的图标的确能为一个平淡的设计带来层次和亮点。)
- 16、The music was dull, or at least had a dulling effect on me - it didn'tsparkle, or ask questions.(音乐单调乏味,起码对我是如此。没有火花,也没有疑问。)
- 17、Thatsparkle in his eyes when he talks about it gives me imagination of his passion that left a great impression on the girl.(当他谈起这件事时,他眼睛里的光芒让我联想到他的激情,给那个女孩留下了深刻的印象。)
- 18、Real diamondssparkle at her throat.(真钻项链在她脖子上闪闪发光。)
- 19、An unhealthy bird's feathers will neversparkle.(病鸟的羽毛永远不会熠熠生辉。)
- 20、They watched Ronaldosparkle in Real's 2-1 win before he came off after 70 minutes.(C罗在场上非常活跃,直到70分钟被换下,皇马最终2:1赢下比赛。)
- 21、The performance lackedsparkle.(这场演出缺少亮点。)
- 22、A little bit of gold tissue-lamé in a holiday quilt is a nice touch and addssparkle.(在假日棉被中放些金质薄纱是一种不错的感觉,并增加了光泽。)
- 23、There was no need for her to make jewelry to set offsparkle–Lisa dazzled us all from within!(她没有必要制作首饰来增添光彩—莉萨在我们心里本来就是熠熠生辉的!)
- 24、Dewdropssparkle [glisten] in the morning sun.(露珠在晨光下闪闪发光。)
- 25、The dew made everything on the groundsparkle, and reaffirmed his belief that this was truly God's country.(露水使得地面上的万物都闪闪发光,这也让他再次坚定了自己的信念:这真的是上帝的领土。) 【hao86.com好工具】
- 26、sparkle the lakesparkled in the sunshine.(湖水在阳光下闪闪发光。)